News in Six Languages 23 Agustus 2020

Por qué la imprenta con la que Gutenberg cambió el curso de la historia lo llevó a la ruina

Why the printing press with which Gutenberg changed the course of history led him to ruin

El día de Navidad de 1438, Andreas Dritzehn, un próspero ciudadano de la ciudad de Estrasburgo, murió a causa de la peste. No era un destino inusual en ese momento, pero la muerte de Dritzehn desencadenó un caso judicial que sigue intrigándonos hasta el día de hoy.

Dritzehn se había asociado con otros para hacer... bueno, exactamente qué quería hacer no está claro.

On Christmas Day 1438, Andreas Dritzehn, a prosperous citizen of the city of Strasbourg, died of the plague. It was not an unusual destination at the time, but Dritzehn's death sparked a court case that continues to intrigue us to this day.

Dritzehn had partnered with others to do ... well, exactly what he wanted to do is unclear.

 « La vraie question que pose le télétravail, c’est celle de l’utilité du travail »

Le retour du télétravail doit être l’occasion de repenser globalement l’organisation du travail, estime Isabelle Barth, professeure en sciences du management, qui s’inquiète de la tentation de réduire les temps jugés « improductifs ».

"The real question posed by teleworking is that of the usefulness of the work"

The return to teleworking should be an opportunity to rethink the organization of work globally, believes Isabelle Barth, professor of management sciences, who is concerned about the temptation to reduce the time deemed "unproductive".

Das Programm lautet: Trump, Trump und noch mal Trump

Der US-Präsident will sich beim Wahlparteitag feiern lassen. Seine Berater versprechen "aufmunternde Botschaften" - und vollen Familieneinsatz. Dabei lief die Vorbereitung chaotisch.

The program is: Trump, Trump and Trump again

The US president wants to be celebrated at the election party conference. His advisors promise "encouraging messages" - and full family commitment. The preparation was chaotic.

"האוקראינים לא רוצים אותנו כי הם חושבים שאנחנו 'מפיצי מחלות'"

הרב לייזר קרליבך, חסיד ברסלב האחראי על מערך ההסעדה באומן, טען בתוכניתם של ענת דוידוב וגולן יוכפז כי לא קיימת סכנה בהגעתם של 10,000 חסידים לקבר הצדיק בתקופת החגים

"Ukrainians do not want us because they think we are 'disease spreaders'"

Rabbi Lazar Carlebach, a Breslav Chassid who is in charge of the catering service at Uman, claimed in the plan of Anat Davidov and Golan Yokfaz that there is no danger in the arrival of 10,000 Chassidim to the Tomb of the Tzaddik during the holidays.

وسط شكوك حول التوقيت.. ترامب يعلن عن تقدم كبير في علاج كورونا

شكك معلقون سياسيون بالولايات المتحدة في توقيت إعلان الرئيس دونالد ترامب عن إجازة استخدام بلازما المتعافين من فيروس كورونا لعلاج المصابين به، في ظل موسم انتخابي يشهد استقطابا شديدا.

Amid doubts about timing, Trump announces major progress in treating Corona

Political commentators in the United States have questioned the timing of President Donald Trump's announcement of authorizing the use of plasma recovered from the Coronavirus to treat those infected with it, in light of a highly polarized election season.

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