News in Six Languages 24 Juli 2020

Síntomas del coronavirus: 6 "tipos" de covid-19 que producen efectos diferentes (y cómo reconocerlos puede salvar vidas)

Coronavirus symptoms: 6 "types" of covid-19 that produce different effects (and how to recognize them can save lives)

Un análisis realizado por investigadores de la universidad King's College London, en Reino Unido, reduce a seis los "tipos" de covid-19, cada uno caracterizado por un cúmulo particular de síntomas.

Cada uno de estos tipos presenta variaciones en la severidad de la enfermedad que produce el coronavirus y en la necesidad de aplicar asistencia respiratoria durante la hospitalización, según los científicos.

An analysis by researchers at King's College London in the United Kingdom reduced the covid-19 "types" to six, each characterized by a particular cluster of symptoms.

 Each of these types shows variations in the severity of the disease caused by the coronavirus and in the need to apply respiratory assistance during hospitalization, according to the scientists.

Hausse confirmée des cas de Covid-19 en France depuis plusieurs semaines

Les derniers chiffres confirment une lente reprise de l’épidémie avec, jeudi, plus de 1 000 nouveaux cas positifs. Cette hausse n’est pas due à l’augmentation du nombre de dépistages, assurent les autorités.

Confirmed increase in Covid-19 cases in France for several weeks

 The latest figures confirm a slow resumption of the epidemic with more than 1,000 new positive cases on Thursday. This increase is not due to the increase in the number of tests, the authorities say.

Le nombre de cas de Covid-19 détectés en France est en hausse depuis une semaine, avec, jeudi 23 juillet, plus de 1 000 nouveaux cas au cours des dernières vingt-quatre heures, soit une hausse de 26 % sur une semaine, s’inquiète le ministère de la santé. Dans le même temps, les services de réanimation n’observent plus la baisse continue des patients atteints du coronavirus constatée depuis la mi-avril.

The number of Covid-19 cases detected in France has been increasing for a week, with, on Thursday July 23, more than 1,000 new cases in the last twenty-four hours, an increase of 26% over a week, s worries the Ministry of Health. At the same time, intensive care units are no longer observing the continuous decline in patients with coronavirus observed since mid-April.

Houston, wir haben ein Problem

China ist empört: Die Volksrepublik muss ihr Konsulat in Houston schließen. Die Entscheidung von US-Präsident Trump markiert einen neuen Tiefpunkt der Beziehungen. Es könnte aber noch viel schlimmer werden.

Houston, we have a problem

 China is outraged: the People's Republic has to close its consulate in Houston. President Trump's decision marks a new low in relations. But it could get much worse.

Es ist eine Szene wie aus einem Agentenfilm: Im Innenhof eines Gebäudes im texanischen Houston schlagen hohe Flammen aus Mülltonnen. Ein körniges Handyvideo, das wohl ein Anwohner aus einem oberen Stockwerk aufgenommen hat, scheint einen Menschen in hellen Schuhen zu zeigen, der Dokumente in das Feuer wirft. Auch ein Feuerwehrtruck ist zu sehen, der vor dem Gebäude wartet. Doch die Feuerwehrleute greifen nicht ein. Sie dürfen nicht - denn es brennt auf exterritorialem Gelände: Im 3417 Montrose Boulevard, Houston, Texas, residiert das Konsulat der Volksrepublik China.

It is a scene from an agent film: In the courtyard of a building in Houston, Texas, high flames burst from garbage cans. A grainy cell phone video that a local resident may have recorded from an upper floor seems to show a person in light shoes throwing documents into the fire. There is also a fire truck waiting in front of the building. But the firefighters don't intervene. You must not - because there is a fire on extraterritorial grounds: the Consulate of the People's Republic of China resides at 3417 Montrose Boulevard, Houston, Texas.

אלפים הפגינו מול מעון רה"מ בירושלים; 55 מפגינים עוכבו לחקירה

Thousands demonstrated in front of the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem; 55 demonstrators were detained for questioning

המשטרה איפשרה את קיום ההפגנות במקום תוך הפרדה בין הקבוצות השונות. המשטרה דיווחה על חולה קורונה במקום, אך בדיקה העלתה כי החולה סיים את תקופת הבידוד לאחרונה

Police in riot gear stormed a rally on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck. Police reported a Corona patient at the scene, but an investigation revealed that the patient had recently completed the isolation period

שישה מעוכבים ועצורים בהפגנה שהתקיימה הערב (חמישי) מול מעון ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו ברחוב בלפור בירושלים. מ"מ מפכ"ל המשטרה, ניצב מוטי כהן, הגיע לבירה בכדי לעמוד מקרוב אחר פעילות כוחות המשטרה בעקבות המחאה. ההפגנות שאמורות היו להסתיים ב-23:00 אך כמה מהמפגינים סירבו להתפזר בשעה הייעודה. בסך הכל עצרה או עיכבה המשטרה 55 חשודים בחשד לעבירות שונות של הפרת הסדר הציבורי, תקיפת שוטרים ותקיפת מפגינים אחרים.

Six detainees and detainees in a demonstration that took place tonight (Thursday) in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's residence on Balfour Street in Jerusalem. The Deputy Commissioner of Police, Superintendent Moti Cohen, arrived in the capital to closely monitor the activities of the police forces following the protest. The demonstrations were supposed to end at 11pm but some of the protesters refused to disperse at the designated time. In all, police arrested or detained 55 suspects on suspicion of various offenses of disturbing public order, assaulting police officers and assaulting other protesters.

ترقب للتقرير الأوروبي النهائي لمفاوضات سد النهضة.. السيسي: نواجه تهديدات غير مسبوقة لأمننا القومي

Stay tuned for the final European report of the Renaissance Dam negotiations .. Sisi: We face unprecedented threats to our national security

قال الرئيس المصري عبد الفتاح السيسي إن مصر تواجه تهديدات غير مسبوقة لأمنها القومي، في حين تترقب أطراف النزاع إصدار الاتحاد الأوروبي تقريره النهائي بشأن نتائج مفاوضات سد النهضة.

وفي كلمته بمناسبة ذكرى ثورة 23 يوليو/تموز 1952، قال السيسي إن بلاده تواجه تحديات وتهديدات لأمنها القومي لم تمر بها عبر تاريخها الحديث.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said that Egypt faces unprecedented threats to its national security, while the parties to the conflict are awaiting the European Union's issuance of its final report on the results of the Renaissance Dam negotiations.

 In his speech marking the anniversary of the July 23, 1952 revolution, Sisi said that his country faces challenges and threats to its national security that it has not experienced through its recent history.

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