News in Six Languages 22 Agustus 2020

Maryanne Trump Barry: las explosivas grabaciones secretas en las que la hermana mayor de Trump critica duramente al presidente de EE.UU.

Maryanne Trump Barry: the explosive secret recordings in which Trump's older sister harshly criticizes the US president

Una nueva grabación explosiva sobre Donald Trump causa revuelo en Estados Unidos.

Poco antes de la Convención Republicana, en la que el presidente recibirá oficialmente su nominación para las elecciones de noviembre (y en la que gran parte de los oradores serán parte de su familia), salió a luz un audio secreto en el que su hermana mayor lo crítica duramente.

An explosive new recording of Donald Trump causes a stir in the United States.

Shortly before the Republican Convention, in which the president will officially receive his nomination for the November elections (and in which many of the speakers will be part of his family), a secret audio came to light in which his older sister criticizes it harshly.

A Lima, treize morts lors d’une soirée d’anniversaire interdite par le couvre-feu

Cent vingt personnes ont été prises dans une bousculade en tentant de fuir la police, intervenue dans la capitale péruvienne pour une soirée interdite par les mesures sanitaires.

In Lima, thirteen dead on anniversary party banned by curfew

One hundred and twenty people were taken in a stampede trying to flee the police, who intervened in the Peruvian capital for an evening prohibited by sanitary measures.

 Fluggastdaten zur Ermittlung von Corona-Kontakten genutzt

Wer saß im Flieger neben Corona-Infizierten? Zur Nachverfolgung von Kontakten gibt das Bundesverwaltungsamt nach SPIEGEL-Informationen Daten von Reisenden an Gesundheitsämter weiter.

Passenger data used to determine corona contacts

Who sat on the plane next to people infected with corona? According to SPIEGEL information, the Federal Administration Office forwards data from travelers to health authorities to track contacts.

זורמים עם השקרים: בנימין נתניהו שיקר ללא בושה וטמן פח לכחול לבן

נתניהו בעצם קרע את ההסכם הקואליציוני לגזרים, והבעיה של כחול לבן פשוטה - הם הגיעו למלחמה הזאת בלי תחמושת וייאלצו לקבל את הדין - להישאר בממשלה ולמרר לנתניהו את החיים

Flowing with the lies: Benjamin Netanyahu lied shamelessly and buried a tin for blue and white

Netanyahu actually tore the coalition agreement to shreds, and the problem of blue and white is simple - they came to this war without ammunition and will have to accept the law - stay in government and make Netanyahu bitter for life

ساعات قبل الإعلان عنها.. الغموض يلف مواقف الأحزاب من حكومة تونس

وسط غموض غير مسبوق، تتصاعد التخمينات في تونس قبل ساعات من الإعلان الرسمي عن التشكيلة الحكومية الجديدة التي يترأسها رجل القانون هشام المشيشي القادم من خارج منظومة الأحزاب، ولم تحسم الأحزاب الكبرى بعد مواقفها النهائية حول منحها الثقة من عدمها.

Hours before it was announced ... ambiguity surrounds the parties ’positions regarding the Tunisian government

Amid unprecedented ambiguity, speculation is mounting in Tunisia hours before the official announcement of the new government formation headed by lawman Hisham El-Mechichi, who comes from outside the party system, and the major parties have not yet decided their final positions on whether to grant them confidence or not.

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