News in Six Languages 24 Agustus 2020


Juan Carlos I | Sofía, la "profesional" reina de España que siempre puso la Corona por delante

Juan Carlos I | Sofía, the "professional" queen of Spain who always put the Crown first

Discreta, siempre en su lugar, con sentido de la responsabilidad y de servicio, profesional.

Son los adjetivos y expresiones que generalmente usan los expertos en la Casa Real y la prensa de España al referirse a Sofía, quien fuera la reina consorte hasta a la abdicación de su esposo Juan Carlos I en junio de 2014.

Discreet, always in place, with a sense of responsibility and service, professional.

They are the adjectives and expressions that experts in the Royal Household and the Spanish press generally use when referring to Sofía, who was the queen consort until the abdication of her husband Juan Carlos I in June 2014.

Face à la contestation, Loukachenko choisit la stratégie de la terre brûlée

Des foules toujours aussi immenses se sont rassemblées, dimanche, en Biélorussie pour protester contre la réélection d’Alexandre Loukachenko. Mais l’inquiétude grandit face à la volonté du régime de mettre fin aux grèves.

Faced with protest, Lukashenko chooses the scorched earth strategy

Still huge crowds gathered in Belarus on Sunday to protest the re-election of Alexander Lukashenko. But concern is growing over the regime's desire to end the strikes.

"Wir werden die Wahrheit niemals erfahren"

In Berlin liegt Alexej Nawalny weiter im Koma. Seine Mitstreiterin Ljubow Sobol ist überzeugt, dass der Kremlkritiker vor den anstehenden Regionalwahlen vergiftet wurde. Sie hofft auf gute Nachrichten aus der Charité.

"We'll never know the truth"

Alexej Navalny remains in a coma in Berlin. His colleague Lyubov Sobol is convinced that the Kremlin critic was poisoned before the upcoming regional elections. She hopes for good news from the Charité.

פרץ: "נתניהו לא ימצא שותף הגון מגנץ"; אלקין: "הפכנו כל אבן ומנענו בחירות"

שרי הליכוד בירכו על הצעת הפשרה של ח"כ האוזר שאושרה הלילה ומנעה הליכה לקלפיות, בעוד בגוש כחול לבן-העבודה נשמעו פחות אופטימיים. השר שי: "בסוף זה תלוי בנתניהו"

Peretz: "Netanyahu will not find a decent partner from Gantz"; Elkin: "We turned every stone and prevented elections"

Likud ministers welcomed MK Hauser's compromise proposal that was approved tonight and prevented going to the polls, while in the blue-and-white bloc Labor seemed less optimistic. Minister Shai: "In the end it depends on Netanyahu."

ليبيا.. قوات حفتر ترفض وقف إطلاق النار وحكومة الوفاق تتهمها بالعودة إلى مربع الحرب

أعلنت قوات اللواء الليبي المتقاعد خليفة حفتر رفض اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار الذي أعلنه المجلس الرئاسي للحكومة الليبية المعترف بها دوليا ومجلس نواب طبرق الجمعة، ووصفته بأنه محاولة للتسويق الإعلامي، بينما اعتبرت حكومة الوفاق أن حفتر يريد العودة إلى مربع الحرب.

Libya .. Haftar's forces reject the ceasefire, and the reconciliation government accuses it of returning to the square of war

The forces of the retired Libyan Major General Khalifa Haftar announced the rejection of the ceasefire agreement announced by the Presidential Council of the internationally recognized Libyan government and the Tobruk Parliament on Friday, describing it as an attempt for media marketing, while the Government of National Accord considered that Haftar wants to return to the square of war.

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