News in Six Languages 18 Agustus 2020

Tratamiento del covid-19: el punto débil del coronavirus que encontró una científica mexicana (y cómo puede servir para neutralizarlo)

Treatment of covid-19: the weak point of the coronavirus that a Mexican scientist found (and how it can be used to neutralize it)

Como especialista en física enfocada en la ciencia de los materiales, la doctora mexicana Mónica Olvera trabajaba en sus propios desarrollos tecnológicos hasta que la pandemia de covid-19 cambió las cosas.

As a physics specialist focused on materials science, Mexican doctor Mónica Olvera was working on her own technological developments until the Covid-19 pandemic changed things.

Le port du masque sera « systématisé » dans les entreprises à la rentrée

Wearing a mask will be "systematized" in companies at the start of the school year

La ministre du travail, Elisabeth Borne, a annoncé aux partenaires sociaux que le port du masque serait désormais nécessaire en entreprise, sauf dans les bureaux individuels.

The Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne, announced to the social partners that wearing a mask would now be necessary in companies, except in individual offices.

Blei in Batterien, Geschirr und Gewürzen vergiftet Millionen Kinder

Lead in batteries, dishes and spices poisons millions of children

800 Millionen Kinder leiden weltweit an Bleivergiftungen. Umweltexperte Nicholas Rees erklärt im Interview, wie das gefährliche Schwermetall ganze Generationen krank macht - und was dagegen getan werden muss.

800 million children worldwide suffer from lead poisoning.  Environment expert Nicholas Rees explains in an interview how the dangerous heavy metal makes entire generations sick - and what needs to be done about it.

נפתר משבר הצהרונים: שר האוצר יקדם סבסוד להורים

Solving the daycare crisis: The Minister of Finance will promote a subsidy for parents

לאחר איומים מצד ראשי רשויות מקומיות והנהגת ההורים הארצית על השבתת שנת הלימודים, הגיע היום ישראל כ"ץ לסיכום עם החשב הכללי, לפיו הצהרונים יפעלו בשנת הלימודים הבאה בהתאם למתכונת שפעלה בשנה שעברה

After threats from local authority heads and the national parents' leadership about shutting down the school year, today Israel Katz reached an agreement with the Accountant General, according to which the daycare centers will operate in the next school year in accordance with the format that operated last year.

قالت إن أدلة مهمة أزيلت من موقع التفجير.. المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان: لا دليل على ضلوع حزب الله وسوريا في اغتيال الحريري

It's said that important evidence has been removed from the site of the bombing ... The Special Court for Lebanon: There is no evidence that Hezbollah or Syria were involved in the assassination of Hariri.

تواصل المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان عقد جلساتها في قضية اغتيال رئيس الوزراء اللبناني الأسبق رفيق الحريري، في انتظار صدور الحكم النهائي في وقت لاحق اليوم.

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon continues to hold its hearings in the case of the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, pending the issuance of the final ruling later today.

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