News in Six Languages 19 Agustus 2020


Discoteca en Los Olivos: qué se sabe de la estampida en un centro nocturno de Perú que dejó al menos 13 muertos en medio del estado de emergencia por el coronavirus

Nightclub in Los Olivos: what is known about the stampede in a nightclub in Peru that left at least 13 dead amid the state of emergency due to the coronavirus

Al menos 13 personas murieron y otras seis resultaron heridas el sábado tras una estampida dentro de un club nocturno en Lima tras una redada policial.

Según informaron las autoridades, en el local había unas 120 personas, a pesar de que en Perú, debido a la pandemia del covid-19 y por disposición del gobierno nacional, están prohibidas las reuniones sociales.

At least 13 people died and six others were injured Saturday after a stampede inside a nightclub in Lima following a police raid.

According to the authorities, there were about 120 people in the premises, despite the fact that in Peru, due to the covid-19 pandemic and by provision of the national government, social gatherings are prohibited.

Turquie : incertitude sur le sort des fresques de l’ancienne église byzantine Saint-Sauveur-in-Chora transformée en mosquée

Turkey: uncertainty over the fate of the frescoes of the ancient Byzantine church of Saint-Sauveur-in-Chora transformed into a mosque

La conversion de la Chora en mosquée était réclamée de longue date par plusieurs associations proches des confréries islamiques. Un décret du président turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, publié vendredi 21 août, leur donne satisfaction.

The conversion of the Chora into a mosque had long been demanded by several associations close to the Islamic brotherhoods. A decree by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, published Friday, August 21, gives them satisfaction.

"Die ganze Welt traurig gemacht"

In Neuseeland steht das Urteil gegen den Massenmörder von Christchurch bevor. Vor Gericht wandte sich jetzt die Mutter eines der 51 Todesopfer direkt an den Angeklagten.

"Made the whole world sad"

The verdict against the Christchurch mass murderer is imminent in New Zealand. In court, the mother of one of the 51 victims turned directly to the accused.

כחול לבן - לבידוד? השרה תמנו-שטה נדבקה בקורונה

פנינה תמנו-שטה, שרת העלייה והקליטה, חשה לא בטוב ועברה בדיקה שהתגלתה כחיובית. ביום שישי, בילתה השרה יחד עם כל חברי סיעת כחול לבן. חקירה אפידמיולוגית נפתחה

Blue and white - for insulation? Minister Tamano-Sheta was infected in Corona

Pnina Tamano-Sheta, the Minister of Immigration and Absorption, did not feel well and underwent a test that turned out to be positive. On Friday, the minister spent time with all members of the Blue and White faction. An epidemiological inquiry has been opened

كيف باعت قبرص جواز سفرها لمجرمين وفارين من العدالة؟ تحقيق استقصائي جديد للجزيرة

حصلت وحدة التحقيقات الاستقصائية في الجزيرة على وثائق حكومية تؤكد موافقة سلطات قبرص على 1400 طلب تتيح لمجرمين مدانين في بلدانهم، أو لهاربين من العدالة؛ حق الحصول على جواز سفر، بعد استثمار ما لا يقل عن 2.15 مليون يورو (2.6 مليون دولار) في البلد.

How Cyprus sold its passport to criminals and fugitives? Al-Jazeera's new investigative investigation

The investigative investigation unit on the island obtained government documents confirming the approval of the Cyprus authorities to 1,400 applications allowing convicted criminals in their countries, or fugitives. The right to obtain a passport, after investing at least 2.15 million euros (2.6 million dollars) in the country.

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