News in Six Languages 22 Juli 2020

Vacuna contra la covid-19: qué vacunas están más avanzadas en la carrera por combatir el coronavirus (y por qué aún queda un largo camino)

Covid-19 vaccine: which vaccines are most advanced in the race to fight coronavirus (and why there is still a long way to go

La herramienta clave para relajar las medidas de confinamiento y regresar a un estado lo más parecido posible a la normalidad es una vacuna contra la covid-19.

A la par que el coronavirus comenzó a propagarse rápidamente por el mundo tras la aparición de los primeros casos en la ciudad china de Wuhan, en diciembre de 2019, comenzaron los esfuerzos por desarrollar una vacuna para protegernos de esta enfermedad multisistémica.

The key tool to relax containment measures and return to a state as close to normal as possible is a covid-19 vaccine.

As the coronavirus began to spread rapidly around the world after the first cases appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019, efforts began to develop a vaccine to protect us from this multi-system disease.

« Ce n’est pas le contribuable français qui paiera » le plan de relance européen, assure Emmanuel Macron

Le président français a défendu sur TF1 l’accord européen qui porte sur 750 milliards d’euros, signé mardi matin à Bruxelles, et a assuré que des « ressources propres » au niveau européen rembourseront cette nouvelle dette partagée.

"It is not the French taxpayer who will pay" the European recovery plan, assures Emmanuel Macron

The French president defended on TF1 the European agreement covering 750 billion euros, signed Tuesday morning in Brussels, and assured that "own resources" at European level will repay this new shared debt.

L’accord conclu sur le plan de relance est pour l’Union européenne « le moment le plus important depuis la création de l’euro », a déclaré Emmanuel Macron mardi 21 juillet sur TF1, quelques heures après la fin du sommet à Bruxelles. D’un montant de 750 milliards d’euros, l’accord arraché après quatre jours et quatre nuits de négociations est le fruit d’un « travail de trois ans entre la France et l’Allemagne », a-t-il ajouté au journal de 20 heures.

The agreement reached on the stimulus plan is for the European Union "the most important moment since the creation of the euro," Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday (July 21) on TF1, a few hours after the end of the summit in Brussels.  Worth 750 billion euros, the agreement wrested after four days and four nights of negotiations is the result of "three years of work between France and Germany", he added 20 hour newspaper.

Die russischen Spuren nach London

Mit großer Verzögerung hat das britische Parlament einen Bericht über den Einfluss des Kreml auf das Königreich vorgelegt. Er ist heikel für Boris Johnson, der das Thema nun aber endgültig beerdigen will.

The Russian traces to London

With great delay, the British Parliament has tabled a report on the Kremlin's influence on the Kingdom.  It is delicate for Boris Johnson, who now wants to finally bury the topic.

Da ist, zum Beispiel, Ljubow Tschernuchin, eine schwerreiche Geschäftsfrau mit Wohnsitz in London, deren Mann einst stellvertretender Finanzminister Russlands war. Sie schätzt die konservative Partei Großbritanniens - so sehr, dass sie einst hohe Summen spendete, um mit Ex-Premierministerin Theresa May und mehreren ihrer Kabinettsmitglieder privat dinieren zu können.

There is, for example, Lyubov Chernuchin, a very wealthy businesswoman residing in London, whose husband was once Russia's deputy finance minister.  She appreciates the UK's conservative party - so much so that she once donated large sums to dine privately with ex-Prime Minister Theresa May and several of her cabinet members.

של עימותים בין המפגינים לשוטרים בירושלים; עשרות נעצרו

A night of clashes between protesters and police in Jerusalem;  Dozens were arrested

המחאה בכיכר פריז בבירה המשיכה להתלהט, ומהמשטרה נמסר כי 34 בני אדם נעצרו בחשד שהפרו את הסדר הציבורי: "קומץ מפגינים קרא לעבר השוטרים בשמות גנאי"

Protests in Paris' capital square continued to flare up, with police saying 34 people had been arrested on suspicion of violating public order: "A handful of protesters called the police with derogatory names"

עימותים בין שוטרים למפגינים: המחאות מול ביתו של ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו ברחוב בלפור בירושלים, ובהמשך בכיכר פריז, נמשכו הלילה (בין שלישי לרביעי) בצעקה נגד ההתנהלות הכושלת בניהול משבר הקורונה, נגד הממשלה והשילטון, ובניסיון להגדיל את תוכנית הסיוע לבעלי עסקים.

Clashes between police and protesters: Protests in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's house on Balfour Street in Jerusalem, and later in Paris Square, continued tonight (Tuesday to Wednesday) with a shout against the failed conduct of the Corona crisis, against the government and government, and in an attempt to increase business assistance.

طرابلس تعتبر القرار المصري بالتدخل تهديدا مباشرا للسيادة.. أردوغان: لن نسمح بأي عمل متهور في ليبيا

Tripoli considers the Egyptian decision to intervene as a direct threat to sovereignty .. Erdogan: We will not allow any reckless action in Libya

أعلن مجلس النواب الليبي المنعقد في طرابلس اليوم رفضه التام قرار نظيره المصري إرسال قوات خارج الحدود المتاخمة للأراضي الليبية، في حين جدد الرئيس التركي رجب طيب أردوغان دعمه لحكومة الوفاق، يأتي ذلك وسط تنديد ومخاوف دولية من تبعات القرار المصري.

The Libyan Parliament, held in Tripoli, announced today its complete rejection of the decision of its Egyptian counterpart to send forces outside the borders adjacent to the Libyan territories, while Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan renewed his support for the government of reconciliation, and this comes amid condemnation and international concerns about the consequences of the Egyptian decision.

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