News in Six Languages 21 Juli 2020

Los créditos ocultos de China a los países en desarrollo y su creciente poder como el "gran prestamista" del mundo

China's Hidden Credits to Developing Countries and Its Growing Power as the World's "Big Lender"

"La mitad del dinero que China le presta a los países en desarrollo corresponde a créditos ocultos", le dice a BBC Mundo Christoph Trebesch, economista del Kiel Institute for the World Economy en Alemania.

Esa fue una de las conclusiones de la investigación hecha por Trebesch junto a Carmen Reinhart y Sebastian Horn al analizar las características de 5.000 préstamos entregados por China a 152 países entre 1949 y 2017.

"Half of the money China lends to developing countries corresponds to hidden credits," Christoph Trebesch, an economist at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy in Germany, tells BBC Mundo.

 That was one of the conclusions of the investigation made by Trebesch together with Carmen Reinhart and Sebastian Horn when analyzing the characteristics of 5,000 loans delivered by China to 152 countries between 1949 and 2017.

Au quatrième jour d’un sommet laborieux, un nouveau plan de relance va être proposé aux 27

Sur la table des négociations se trouve notamment la question de la répartition des 750 milliards d’euros du plan de relance financés par un emprunt commun, composés pour partie de subventions et pour partie de prêts remboursables par les bénéficiaires.

On the fourth day of a laborious summit, a new stimulus plan will be proposed to the 27

 On the negotiating table is in particular the question of the distribution of the 750 billion euros of the recovery plan financed by a common loan, composed partly of subsidies and partly of loans repayable by the beneficiaries.

Alors que le sommet devait officiellement durer deux jours, vendredi et samedi, les discussions ont repris à Bruxelles, lundi 20 juillet en fin de journée, dans l’espoir de trouver un accord sur un programme d’aide pour relancer les économies européennes, confrontées à une récession historique en raison de la crise sanitaire due au coronavirus.

While the summit was officially scheduled to last two days, Friday and Saturday, discussions resumed in Brussels on Monday, July 20 at the end of the day, in the hope of reaching an agreement on an aid program to revive the European economies, facing  to a historic recession due to the health crisis due to the coronavirus.

EU-Gipfel einigt sich offenbar auf Rechtsstaatsformel im Haushalt
Über die Zuschüsse bei den Corona-Hilfen sind sich die EU-Mitgliedstaaten einig. Nun ist wohl ein weiterer Streitpunkt gelöst: Es soll einen Kompromiss zur Kopplung der Gelder an rechtsstaatliche Standards geben.

EU summit apparently agrees on rule of law formula in the budget
 The EU member states agree on the subsidies for Corona aid.  Another point of contention has now been resolved: there should be a compromise to link the funds to standards based on the rule of law.

Die EU-Staaten haben sich auf eine Formel geeinigt, wie die Auszahlung von EU-Geldern künftig an die Einhaltung von Rechtsstaatlichkeit gekoppelt werden soll. Der Kompromiss sei am Abend in der Runde der 27 Staats- und Regierungschefs angenommen worden, erfuhren die Nachrichtenagenturen dpa und AFP aus EU-Kreisen. Damit wurde eine weitere hohe Hürde hin zu einer Gesamteinigung auf das beim Sondergipfel in Brüssel verhandelte Finanzpaket genommen.

The EU countries have agreed on a formula for how the payment of EU funds should in future be linked to compliance with the rule of law.  The dpa and AFP news agencies learned from EU circles that the compromise had been adopted in the evening among the 27 heads of state and government.  This cleared another high hurdle towards an overall agreement on the financial package negotiated at the special summit in Brussels.

הסתיימה השביתה הארצית: האוצר וי"ר הסתדרות האחים והאחיות הגיעו להסכמות

The national strike has ended: the Treasury and the chairman of the Histadrut Brothers and Sisters have reached agreements

השר כ"ץ נפגש עם יו"ר הסתדרות העובדים בענף, אילנה כהן, והסדיר מספר סוגיות בוערות, בראשן גיוס מיידי ומשמעותי בכוח אדם בצל העומסים על מערכת הבריאות בשל התפשטות הקורונה

Minister Katz met with the chairman of the Histadrut, Ilana Cohen, and settled a number of burning issues, including the immediate and significant recruitment of manpower in the shadow of the burdens on the health system due to the spread of the corona.

הסוף לשביתה: ממשרד האוצר נמסר כי השר ישראל כ"ץ הגיע הערב (שני) להסכמות עם יו"ר הסתדרות האחים והאחיות, אילנה כהן, שהובילו לסיום השביתה הארצית. בתום הפגישה בין השניים סוכם כי האחיות ישובו לעבודתן הסדירה החל ממחר בבוקר. על פי הסיכום בין הצדדים, ייערך גיוס מסיבי שמטרתו לאזן את כוח האדם בתקופה המורכבת והעמוסה של התפשטות נגיף הקורונה, במהלכה יקלטו באופן מידי 2,000 תקני אחים ואחיות מעבר לתקנים הקיימים, מהם 1,600 למערך האשפוז ו-400 למערך הקהילה ובריאות הציבור

The end of the strike: The Ministry of Finance announced that Minister Israel Katz reached an agreement this evening (Monday) with the chairman of the Brothers and Sisters Federation, Ilana Cohen, which led to the end of the national strike.  At the end of the meeting between the two it was agreed that the nurses would return to their regular work starting tomorrow morning.  According to the agreement between the parties, there will be a massive recruitment aimed at balancing the workforce during the complex and busy period of the spread of the corona virus, during which 2,000 brothers and sisters will be immediately absorbed beyond the existing standards, 1,600 for the hospital system and 400 for the community and public health system.

تطورات متسارعة بليبيا.. تفويض برلماني للجيش المصري والسيسي يتصل بترامب ولقاء ثلاثي بأنقرة

Rapid developments in Libya: a parliamentary mandate for the Egyptian and Sisi army related to Trump and the tripartite meeting in Ankara

تتسارع التطورات السياسية والميدانية المتعلقة بالأزمة الليبية، وسط ترقب شديد لمآلات الوضع في سرت والجفرة، بعد تأكيد قوات الوفاق أن اقتحام سرت "أمر محسوم وقريب جدا".

ووافق البرلمان المصري على نشر قوات مسلحة مصرية في مهام قتالية في الخارج، وعلى "جبهات غربية" إستراتيجية.

Political and field developments related to the Libyan crisis are accelerating, amid strong anticipation of the prospects for the situation in Sirte and Al-Jafra, after the Al-Wefaq forces confirmed that storming Sirte was "a final and very close issue."

 The Egyptian parliament agreed to deploy Egyptian armed forces on combat missions abroad, and on strategic "western fronts".

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