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The Travels of Ibn Jubayr: a Medieval Journey from Cordoba to Jerusalem. Translation by R. J. C. Broadhurst. Introduction by Robert Irwin
I.B. TAURIS 2019
Signatura A53-2-52
"ONE day in the year a. d. 1182, the Moorish Governor of Granada, then the wealthiest and most splendid city of Spain, summoned his secretary to discharge some business. The incumbent of this post was Abu 'l-Husayn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Jubayr, who, born in 1145 to a good family in Valencia, had by his learning and character attained this office of trust. On arrival before his master, he had been offered a cup of wine, but the continent clerk, a sincere Muslim who emulated the temperance of his prophet, had pleaded that never before had his lips touched strong drink. The unregenerate prince, wishful of repairing this strange neglect, and with tones and gestures that allowed of no dispute, had thereupon cried: 'Seven cups, by Allah, shalt thou drink'; and the trembling scholar, his apprehensions of the wrath to come obscured by present terrors, had been fain to swallow..."
[Extracto de la Introducción. Fuente:]
Se trata de una reedición, con nueva introducción, de la edición publicada originalmente en 1952 por Jonathan Cape.
Os dejamos un enlace a otras ediciones de esta conocidísima obra que os ofrecemos en nuestra biblioteca:,contains,yubayr%20ea&tab=default_tab&search_scope=default_scope&vid=34CSIC_VU1&facet=library,include,34CSIC_EA&offset=0
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