News in Six Languages 5 Agustus 2020

Líbano: qué se sabe de las causas de la devastadora explosión en Beirut que dejó decenas de muertos y miles de heridos

Lebanon: what is known about the causes of the devastating explosion in Beirut that left dozens dead and thousands injured

La población de Líbano intenta recuperarse del horror causado por una fuerte explosión en el puerto de Beirut que el martes dejó decenas de muertos y miles de heridos en la capital libanesa.

The people of Lebanon are trying to recover from the horror caused by a strong explosion in the port of Beirut that left dozens dead and thousands injured on Tuesday in the Lebanese capital.

Au Liban, Beyrouth se réveille en deuil après une double explosion meurtrière

In Lebanon, Beirut wakes up in mourning after a deadly double explosion

La déflagration a fait au moins 100 morts et 4 000 blessés, selon la Croix-Rouge. Un incident dans un stock de nitrate d’ammonium, dans le port de la capitale, serait à l’origine de la catastrophe.

The explosion left at least 100 dead and 4,000 injured, according to the Red Cross. An incident in a stockpile of ammonium nitrate in the port of the capital is believed to be the cause of the disaster.

Warum Ammoniumnitrat so gefährlich ist

Why ammonium nitrate is so dangerous

Für die Explosion von Beirut könnte die Chemikalie Ammoniumnitrat verantwortlich sein. Immer wieder kam es zu Unfällen mit der Substanz.

The chemical ammonium nitrate could be responsible for the explosion of Beirut. There were always accidents with the substance.

בצל האסון בביירות: אלו האיומים המפורשים שהשמיע בעבר נסראללה על מיכלי האמוניה בחיפה

In the shadow of the disaster in Beirut: These are the explicit threats that Nasrallah made in the past about the ammonia tanks in Haifa

לפני ארבע שנים, טען מזכ"ל חיזבאללה כי מפעלי האמוניה בעיר הצפונית מהווים סיכון עבור אזרחי ישראל: "מדובר במיכלים עם אלפי טונות של גז, שיכולים לגרום למותם של עשרות אלפים"

Four years ago, Hezbollah's secretary general claimed that ammonia plants in the northern city posed a risk to Israeli citizens: "These are containers with thousands of tons of gas, which could cause the deaths of tens of thousands."

حداد عام في لبنان.. بيروت "المنكوبة" في عهدة الجيش والسفارة الأميركية تحذر من غازات سامة

General mourning in Lebanon .. Beirut "stricken" in the custody of the army and the US embassy warns of toxic gases

يعيش لبنان اليوم الأربعاء حالة من الصدمة بعد يوم من انفجار دام في مرفأ بيروت خلف مئات القتلى والجرحى، وقد أعلن مجلس الدفاع الأعلى العاصمة "مدينة منكوبة" كما أعلن الحداد على ضحايا الانفجار.

Lebanon is in a state of shock today, Wednesday, a day after a deadly explosion in the Beirut port, which left hundreds dead and wounded. The Supreme Defense Council declared the capital a "disaster city" and mourning for the victims of the explosion.

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