News in Six Languages 9 Agustus 2020

Vacuna contra la covid-19 | "Hay un juego político, económico y estratégico detrás de las vacunas que es una receta para el desastre"

Covid-19 vaccine |  "There is a political, economic and strategic game behind vaccines that is a recipe for disaster"

La carrera por conseguir la vacuna contra la covid-19 avanza a toda velocidad.

Varias potencias como Estados Unidos, China, Rusia y Reino Unido están midiendo el poder de sus capacidades científicas e invirtiendo lo que sea necesario para encontrar una vacuna que haga frente al virus.

The race to obtain the vaccine against covid-19 is advancing at full speed.

 Several powers such as the United States, China, Russia and the United Kingdom are measuring the power of their scientific capabilities and investing whatever it takes to find a vaccine to tackle the virus.

Des milliers de Libanais manifestent leur colère, le premier ministre va proposer des élections anticipées

Thousands of Lebanese show their anger, prime minister to propose early elections

Des manifestants ont pris d’assaut le ministère des affaires étrangères samedi à Beyrouth. La colère est forte parmi les Libanais, quatre jours après l’explosion qui a fait 158 morts et plus de 6 000 blessés.

Protesters stormed the foreign ministry on Saturday in Beirut.  Anger is high among the Lebanese, four days after the explosion which left 158 ​​people dead and more than 6,000 injured.

Zu früh geschlachtet

Slaughtered too early

Haben prekäre Arbeitsbedingungen bei Tönnies Corona befeuert? Nein, beteuert der Fleischkonzern und beruft sich auf eine wissenschaftliche Studie. Die entlastet ihn tatsächlich zum Teil. Fein raus ist er deshalb nicht.

Have precarious working conditions at Tönnies fueled Corona?  No, asserts the meat company and refers to a scientific study.  That actually relieves him in part.  That's not why he's fine.

הליכוד: "כחול לבן לא מוכנים לדון בתוכנית הסיוע"; כחול לבן: "לא מכבדים את ההסכם"

Likud: "Blue and white are not ready to discuss the aid program";  Blue and white: "The agreement is not respected"

על רקע המשבר הפוליטי והאיום בהליכה לבחירות, גורמים במפלגות הודיעו על ביטול הישיבה. דיווח בחדשות 12: נתניהו נפגש עם תמנו-שטה ובחן האם תסכים לערוק לממשלה צרה

Against the background of the political crisis and the threat of going to the polls, party officials announced the cancellation of the meeting.  News 12 report: Netanyahu meets with Tamano-Sheta and examines whether she will agree to defect to a narrow government

يوم غضب في بيروت.. احتجاجات دامية واقتحام مقار حكومية ودياب يقترح انتخابات مبكرة

A day of rage in Beirut .. Bloody protests and storming of government offices, and Diab proposes early elections

تحول وسط العاصمة اللبنانية بيروت إلى ساحة مواجهات بين قوى الأمن ومتظاهرين ناقمين على السلطة السياسية في البلاد ومطالبين برحيلها، في حين قال رئيس الحكومة حسان دياب إنه سيقترح إجراء انتخابات نيابية مبكرة.

The center of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, has turned into an arena of confrontations between the security forces and demonstrators who are indignant at the political authority in the country and demanding its departure, while Prime Minister Hassan Diab said that he would propose early parliamentary elections.

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