News in Six Languages 8 Agustus 2020

Juan Carlos I, el rey que pasó de ser héroe de la transición democrática en España a abandonar el país por varios escándalos

Juan Carlos I, the king who went from being a hero of the democratic transition in Spain to leaving the country due to several scandals

La figura de Juan Carlos I de España vive sus horas más bajas después de que este lunes anunciara que iba a abandonar su país.

The figure of Juan Carlos I of Spain lives its lowest hours after he announced this Monday that he was going to leave his country.

Dans les hôpitaux de Beyrouth, « on n’attend plus rien du pays »

In Beirut hospitals, "nothing is expected of the country"

Les hôpitaux de la capitale libanaise restent sous pression, après la double explosion du 4 août. Dans les couloirs, les proches des patients crient leur colère contre les dirigeants politiques.

Hospitals in the Lebanese capital remain under pressure after the double explosion on August 4.  In the corridors, relatives of patients shout their anger at political leaders.

Lufthansa verärgert Bundesregierung

Lufthansa angered the federal government

Zwischen Bundesregierung und Lufthansa kriselt es erneut. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen ist man unzufrieden, dass die Airline trotz staatlicher Milliardenhilfe gestrichene Flüge nur zögerlich erstattet.

There is another crisis between the federal government and Lufthansa.  According to SPIEGEL information, it is dissatisfied that the airline is hesitant to reimburse canceled flights despite billions in government aid.

נתניהו נראה כמי ששוב מתכונן לבחירות

Netanyahu seems to be preparing for the election again

אחרי הנאום במליאה שבו יצא נגד מערכת המשפט, התקשורת ולפיד, נראה שראש הממשלה שוב מסתער על הקלפיות. בינתיים הוא שומר את הקלפים קרוב לחזה

After the plenary speech in which he came out against the justice system, the media and Lapid, it seems that the prime minister is once again attacking the polls.  In the meantime he keeps the cards close to his chest

مؤتمر دولي للمانحين غدا.. أكثر من 60 مفقودا جراء انفجار بيروت وعون يرفض تدويل التحقيق

An international donor conference tomorrow ... more than 60 people were missing due to the Beirut bombing, and Aoun rejects the internationalization of the investigation

قالت وزارة الصحة اللبنانية اليوم إنه ما يزال أكثر من 60 شخصا مفقودين في بيروت، بعد 4 أيام من الانفجار الضخم الذي هز مرفأ العاصمة، في حين رفض الرئيس اللبناني ميشال عون دعوات لتدويل التحقيق بشأن ملابسات الانفجار، ومن المنتظر أن تحتضن باريس غدا مؤتمرا دوليا ترعاه الأمم المتحدة لحشد الدعم لمساعدة لبنان.

The Lebanese Ministry of Health said today that more than 60 people are still missing in Beirut, 4 days after the huge explosion that rocked the port of the capital, while the Lebanese President Michel Aoun rejected calls to internationalize the investigation into the circumstances of the explosion, and it is expected that Paris will host tomorrow an international conference sponsored by United Nations to mobilize support to help Lebanon.

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