Hiroshima y Nagasaki: ¿por qué es seguro vivir allí pero no en Chernóbil, si todas fueron afectadas por altos niveles de radiación?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: why is it safe to live there but not in Chernobyl, if they were all affected by high levels of radiation?
El dominio de la energía nuclear es uno de los grandes logros científicos de la humanidad, pero también desató dos tragedias que marcaron la historia.
The dominance of nuclear energy is one of the great scientific achievements of humanity, but it also unleashed two tragedies that marked history.
Des secouristes fouillent les décombres du port de Beyrouth, seize personnes arrêtées
Rescuers search the rubble of the port of Beirut, sixteen people arrested
La double explosion de mardi soir dans la capitale libanaise a fait plus de 150 morts et plus de 5 000 blessés.
Tuesday night's double explosion in the Lebanese capital left more than 150 dead and more than 5,000 injured.
Ermittler ziehen auch Anschlag als Ursache in Betracht
Investigators also consider the attack as a cause
Bei der Untersuchung der Katastrophe in Beirut gehen die Behörden laut Libanons Präsident Aoun auch dem Verdacht nach, dass eine Rakete oder Bombe der Auslöser war. Die Ermittlungen würden auf drei Ebenen geführt.
When investigating the disaster in Beirut, the authorities are also investigating suspicions that a rocket or bomb was the trigger, according to Lebanon's President Aoun. The investigation would be conducted on three levels.
נשיא לבנון: "בודקים האם הפיצוץ בלבנון נגרם כתוצאה מהתערבות זרה"
Lebanese President: "Examines whether the bombing in Lebanon was caused by foreign intervention"
מישל עאון אמר כי במסגרת חקירת האסון בנמל נבדקים כמה חשדות, בהם הזנחה או תאונה. עם זאת, הם אינם שוללים מעורבות גורם זר, שגרם לפיצוץ העז במקום
Michel Aoun said that as part of the investigation into the disaster at the port, several suspicions are being investigated, including neglect or an accident. However, they do not rule out the involvement of a foreign factor, which caused the fierce explosion at the site
انفجار بيروت.. ارتفاع عدد القتلى وعمليات البحث عن العالقين مستمرة
Beirut blast .. The death toll rises, and the search for stranded people continues
قال وزير الصحة اللبناني حمد حسن إن عدد قتلى انفجار ميناء بيروت ارتفع إلى 154، في حين تتواصل عمليات البحث عن العالقين ورفع الأنقاض، وسط استمرار عمليات التحقيق وتوقيف 16 شخصا.
Lebanese Health Minister Hamad Hassan said that the death toll from the Beirut Port explosion has risen to 154, while the search for stranded people and the removal of rubble continues, amid continuing investigations and arrests of 16 people.
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