News in Six Languages 10 Agustus 2020

Explosión en Beirut: la caótica cadena de acontecimientos que llevó a que se desatara el infierno en el puerto de la capital de Líbano

Explosion in Beirut: the chaotic chain of events that led to the unleashing of all hell in the port of Lebanon's capital

Primero tembló el piso, muy levemente, casi imperceptiblemente. Una rápida inspección alrededor confirmó la sensación: los armarios en la casa se movían.

Un segundo, dos segundos, tres y paró.

First the floor shook, very slightly, almost imperceptibly.  A quick search around confirmed the feeling: the cabinets in the house were moving.

 One second, two seconds, three and it stopped.

Niger : huit personnes, dont six Français, tuées par des hommes armés

Niger: eight people, including six French, killed by armed men

Plusieurs membres d’une ONG, ainsi que leur guide et leur chauffeur nigériens, ont été tués alors qu’ils se trouvaient dans la région de la réserve des girafes de Kouré. Emmanuel Macron a dénoncé une « attaque meurtrière ».

Several members of an NGO, along with their Nigerien guide and driver, were killed while in the Kouré Giraffe Reserve area.  Emmanuel Macron denounced a "deadly attack".

Sicherheitskräfte gehen gegen Demonstranten vor

Security forces take action against demonstrators

In Belarus ist es bei Demonstrationen gegen den angeblichen Wahlsieg von Lukaschenko zu Ausschreitungen gekommen. Oppositionskandidatin Tichanowskaja zweifelt den offiziell verkündeten Erfolg des Amtsinhabers an.

In Belarus, demonstrations against the alleged election victory of Lukashenko broke out.  Opposition candidate Tichanovskaya doubts the officially announced success of the incumbent.

האם הרופאים בדרך לשביתה? מזכירות ההסתדרות הרפואית הכריזה על סכסוך עבודה

Are the doctors on strike?  The secretariat of the Medical Association has declared a labor dispute

הודעת הרופאים מגיעה לאחר הודעת ועד עובדי המעבדות הרפואיות כי יחלו בצעדי מחאה בימים הקרובים, על רקע תנאי העסקתם

The doctors 'announcement comes after the medical lab workers' committee announced that they will begin protest measures in the coming days, against the background of their terms of employment.

مواجهات في بيروت لليوم الثاني.. حريق قرب البرلمان واستقالة 11 نائبا ووزيرا وأمل ضعيف في العثور على ناجين

Clashes in Beirut for the second day ... Fire near parliament, the resignation of 11 MPs and ministers, and little hope of finding survivors.

يشهد وسط بيروت مواجهات بين القوى الأمنية وناشطين حاولوا الوصول إلى مقر البرلمان اللبناني، للمطالبة بمحاسبة المسؤولين عن انفجار المرفأ وبرحيل الطبقة السياسية الحاكمة.

Downtown Beirut is witnessing clashes between security forces and activists trying to reach the Lebanese Parliament, to demand accountability for those responsible for the port explosion and the departure of the ruling political class.

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