News in Six Languages 4 Agustus 2020

Vacuna contra la covid-19 | Qué se sabe del plan de vacunación masiva que Rusia prepara para octubre y por qué genera dudas

Covid-19 vaccine | What is known about the mass vaccination plan that Russia is preparing for October and why it raises doubts

El desenfreno por encontrar una nueva vacuna contra el coronavirus es quizás "la carrera espacial" del siglo XXI.

The debauchery of finding a new coronavirus vaccine is perhaps "the space race" of the 21st century.

« C’est dur pour tout le monde, mais on n’a pas le choix » : la métropole lilloise passe au masque obligatoire

"It's hard for everyone, but we have no choice": the Lille metropolis goes into the compulsory mask

Depuis lundi, les habitants des 95 communes doivent se couvrir le bas du visage en extérieur dans les lieux publics les plus fréquentés.

Since Monday, residents of 95 municipalities must cover their lower faces outdoors in the busiest public places.

Lehrergewerkschaft hält Rückkehr zu Regelbetrieb an Schulen für "Illusion"

Teachers' union thinks school return to "illusion"

Nach den Sommerferien dürfte der Schulbetrieb weiter eingeschränkt bleiben. Ein Grund: Es fehlten Pädagogen, weil diese zur Risikogruppe zählten. SPD-Chefin Esken fordert mehr Durchgriffsrechte des Bundes in Sachen Bildung.

After the summer holidays, school operations are likely to remain restricted. One reason: Pedagogues were missing because they belonged to the risk group. SPD leader Esken calls for more federal rights of access to education.

"התקיפה בסוריה נועדה להעביר מסר - ישראל תפעל גם מול צבא אסד"

"The attack in Syria is intended to send a message - Israel will also act against the Assad army"

הכתב הצבאי של מעריב, טל לב רם, התייחס בתכנית של גולן יוכפז וענת דוידוב לתגובת חיל האוויר לאירוע הנחת המטען, ואמר: "יש כאן מציאות ביטחונית על סטרואידים, שחקנים חזרו למגרש"

Maariv's military correspondent, Tal Lev Ram, commented on Golan Yokfaz and Anat Davidov's program on the Air Force's response to the cargo-loading incident, saying: "There is a security reality here on steroids, players have returned to the field."

كورونا.. 5 ملايين مصاب في أميركا اللاتينية وزيادة مقلقة بفرنسا وبريطانيا

Corona .. 5 million injured in Latin America and an alarming increase in France and Britain

تخطى عدد الإصابات بفيروس كورونا في أميركا اللاتينية 5 ملايين في ظل استمرار تفشي الوباء بوتيرة سريعة في عدة دول بالمنطقة، كما تتزايد الإصابات بشكل مقلق في دول أوروبية، في حين عبرت منظمة الصحة العالمية عن توقعات متشائمة.

The number of Coronavirus infections in Latin America has exceeded 5 million, as the epidemic continues to grow rapidly in several countries in the region, and infections are increasing alarmingly in European countries, while the World Health Organization has expressed pessimistic expectations.

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