News in Six Languages 3 Agustus 2020

Carmen Barbas, la doctora brasileña que contrajo covid-19 y fue salvada por el método de ventilación que ayudó a crear

Carmen Barbas, the Brazilian doctor who contracted covid-19 and was saved by the ventilation method that helped create

A mediados de abril, el reconocido patólogo de la Universidad de São Paulo (USP), Paulo Saldiva, habló en vivo por televisión sobre la epidemia del covid-19; no pudo evitarlo y comenzó a llorar frente a las cámaras.

In mid-April, the renowned pathologist at the University of São Paulo (USP), Paulo Saldiva, spoke live on television about the covid-19 epidemic; He couldn't help it and started crying in front of the cameras.

Retour sur terre des deux astronautes américains, à bord de la capsule SpaceX

Return to Earth of the two American astronauts, aboard the SpaceX capsule

L’amerrissage de « Crew Dragon », de retour de la Station spatiale internationale, a eu lieu sans encombres dimanche à 20 h 48 dans le golfe du Mexique.

The landing of "Crew Dragon", returning from the International Space Station, went off without a hitch at 8:48 p.m. Sunday in the Gulf of Mexico.

Türkei dreht Syrien das Wasser ab

Turkey turns off the water in Syria

Mitten in einer Hitzewelle kommt in Syrien weniger Wasser an, Millionen Menschen drohen Durst und Hunger, auch der Strom geht aus. Dahinter steckt wohl Kalkül der Türkei.

In the middle of a heat wave, less water arrives in Syria, millions of people are threatened with thirst and hunger, and electricity runs out. Behind it is probably Turkey's calculus.

הופר השקט בצפון: צה"ל סיכל ניסיון הנחת מטען בגבול סוריה

The quiet Hopper in the north: The IDF thwarted an attempt to place a bomb on the Syrian border

חוליית מחבלים שניסתה להניח מטען בקרבת גדר הגבול זוהתה על ידי כוח של יחידת מגלן וחוסלה. אין נפגעים לכוחותינו. דו"צ: "המשטר הסורי אחראי לכל פעולה הנעשית בשטחו"

A squad of terrorists trying to place an explosive device near the border fence was identified by a Magellan unit force and eliminated. There are no casualties to our forces. Report: "The Syrian regime is responsible for every action taken in its territory"

وثائق سرية مسربة.. الجزيرة نت تكشف حقيقة المواقف السعودية من أبرز الملفات اليمنية

Leaked secret documents .. Al Jazeera Net reveals the truth about Saudi positions, among the most prominent Yemeni files

اطلعت الجزيرة نت على 162 صفحة من الوثائق السعودية السرية التي تكشف عن معلومات مهمة بشأن طريقة إدارة النظام السعودي ملف اليمن منذ انطلاق الثورة الشبابية عام 2011.

Al Jazeera Net has reviewed 162 pages of secret Saudi documents that reveal important information about the way the Saudi regime has managed the Yemen file since the start of the youth revolution in 2011.

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