News in Six Languages 2 Agustus 2020

Qué fueron las "ratlines", las rutas de escape por las que miles de nazis huyeron a América del Sur y otros destinos tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial

What were the "ratlines", the escape routes by which thousands of Nazis fled to South America and other destinations after the Second World War

Por su nombre en inglés, ratlines (líneas de ratas), uno podría pensar que el apodo que se le dio a las rutas clandestinas que usaron muchos nazis para escapar de Europa después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial se refiere a una hilera de roedores, huyendo bajo tierra.

From its English name, ratlines, one might think that the nickname given to the clandestine routes that many Nazis used to escape Europe after World War II refers to a row of rodents, fleeing underground.

Coronavirus : la crise sanitaire aura des effets pendant des « décennies », selon l’OMS

Coronavirus: health crisis will have effects for 'decades', WHO says

Six mois après avoir décrété l’urgence mondiale, l’agence onusienne s’est de nouveau réunie en raison de la propagation toujours inquiétante du SARS-CoV-2.

Six months after declaring the global emergency, the UN agency met again due to the still worrying spread of SARS-CoV-2.

Japan zwischen den Fronten

Japan between the fronts

Die Spannungen zwischen den USA und China bringen Japan in eine heikle Lage. Der nationalistische Premier Abe sieht sich gezwungen, seine China-Strategie zu überdenken - militärisch wie wirtschaftlich.

The tensions between the United States and China are putting Japan in a delicate position. Nationalist Prime Minister Abe is forced to rethink his China strategy - both militarily and economically.

משבר התקציב: בחירות רביעיות או הקמת ממשלה חליפית? אלו התרחישים האפשריים בקואליציה

Budget Crisis: Fourth Election or Formation of an Alternative Government? These are the possible scenarios in the coalition

בימין מתכוננים לאפשרות של בחירות נוספות או מנגד להקמת ממשלה שעשויה להביא לאישור התקציב. חה"כ והשרים של הליכוד החלו להיערך לדחיית הפריימריז במפלגה

The right is preparing for the possibility of further elections or on the other hand for the formation of a government that may lead to the approval of the budget. MKs and Likud ministers have begun preparing to postpone the party's primaries

تسرب محتمل وتساؤل عن الجدوى وفضائح للشركة المنفذة.. خبراء يدقون ناقوس الخطر بشأن مفاعل الإمارات النووي

Possible leakage, questioning the feasibility and scandals of the executing company .. Experts sound the alarm about the Emirates nuclear reactor

حذّر تقرير لخبراء دوليين في مجال الطاقة النووية مما قالوا إنها مخاطر بيئية محدقة مع تدشين مفاعل نووي مدني في الإمارات، بعد تأجيلات متكررة بسبب مشاكل متعددة متعلقة بالسلامة.

A report by international experts in the field of nuclear energy warned of what they said are environmental risks with the launch of a civilian nuclear reactor in the UAE, after repeated delays due to multiple safety problems.

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