News in Six Languages 15 Agustus 2020

"Estadounidenses, vuelvan a su país": la tensión que se vive por la covid-19 en la frontera entre EE.UU. y Canadá

"Americans, go back to your country": the tension experienced by covid-19 on the border between the US and Canada

Mientras la pandemia de la covid-19 sigue sacudiendo a los estadounidenses, sus vecinos de Canadá están cada día más preocupados de que quienes los visitan desde Estados Unidos puedan llevarles el virus a través de la frontera.

As the covid-19 pandemic continues to shake Americans, their Canadian neighbors are increasingly concerned that visitors from the United States could bring the virus across the border.

A Paris, l’obligation de port du masque étendue et les rassemblements de plus de dix personnes restreints

In Paris, the obligation to wear a mask extended and gatherings of more than ten people restricted

La Préfecture de police a décidé de renforcer les mesures sanitaires dans la capitale, qui a été décrétée « zone de circulation active » du nouveau coronavirus.

The Prefecture of Police has decided to strengthen health measures in the capital, which has been declared an “active circulation zone” for the new coronavirus.

EU-Außenminister bringen Sanktionen gegen Belarus auf den Weg

EU foreign ministers launch sanctions against Belarus

Die 27 EU-Außenminister haben in einer außerplanmäßigen Konferenz über Konsequenzen der manipulierten Wahl in Belarus beraten - und grünes Licht für Sanktionen gegeben.

The 27 EU foreign ministers discussed the consequences of the rigged election in Belarus in an unscheduled conference - and gave the green light for sanctions.

נסראללה על הסכם השלום: "טובה אישית לנתניהו החלש"

Nasrallah on peace agreement: "Personal favor for the weak Netanyahu"

מזכ"ל חיזבאללה גינה את הסכם נרמול היחסים בין ישראל לאיחוד האמירויות ואיים בתגובה על הרג פעיל הארגון בסוריה: "ישראל צריכה לחכות לתגובה, זה רק עניין של זמן"

Hezbollah's secretary general condemned the agreement normalizing relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and threatened in response to the killing of the organization's activists in Syria: "Israel has to wait for a response, it is only a matter of time"

التطبيع الإماراتي.. نتنياهو يشكر السيسي وآخرين وفلسطينيون يحرقون صورة بن زايد

Emirati normalization ... Netanyahu thanks Sisi and others, and Palestinians burn the image of Bin Zayed

أكد رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو أنه لم يسقط ما وصفها بالسيادة على الضفة الغربية من جدول أعماله مقابل التوصل إلى اتفاق مع الإمارات، في حين تتوالى ردود الفعل الفلسطينية والعربية المنددة بما وصفته بالخيانة الإماراتية.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed that he did not drop what he described as sovereignty over the West Bank from his agenda in exchange for reaching an agreement with the UAE, while Palestinian and Arab reactions continued to condemn what it described as the UAE's betrayal.

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