News in Six Languages 16 Agustus 2020

Protestas en Bielorrusia: cómo una insólita semana de protestas y represión llevó al gobierno de Lukashenko a pedir ayuda a Putin

Protests in Belarus: How an unusual week of protests and repression prompted Lukashenko's government to ask Putin for help

Cuando Bielorrusia fue a las urnas el pasado domingo, muy pocos imaginaban que el país sería otro una semana después.

When Belarus went to the polls last Sunday, very few imagined that the country would be another one a week later.

L’élection présidentielle américaine est-elle déjà jouée ?

Is the US presidential election already over?

La mauvaise gestion du Covid-19 handicape lourdement Donald Trump. Mais le précédent de 2016, quand toutes les enquêtes d’opinion donnaient Hillary Clinton gagnante, a traumatisé les prévisionnistes en tout genre.

The mismanagement of Covid-19 severely handicaps Donald Trump.  But the precedent of 2016, when all polls named Hillary Clinton the winner, traumatized forecasters of all kinds.

"Newsweek" lässt Falschbehauptung über Harris online - mit Anmerkungen

"Newsweek" leaves false allegation about Harris online - with annotations

Kamala Harris dürfe gar nicht zur US-Wahl antreten, diese Lüge über die demokratische Vizepräsidentschaftskandidatin durfte ein Gastkommentator in "Newsweek" verbreiten. Nun hat die Chefredakteurin reagiert.

Kamala Harris was not allowed to run for the US election at all, a guest commentator was allowed to spread this lie about the Democratic vice-presidential candidate in "Newsweek".  Now the editor-in-chief has reacted.

משרד הבריאות אישר פטור מבידוד לחוזרים מ-20 מדינות

The Ministry of Health has approved an exemption from isolation for returnees from 20 countries

פרופ' חזי לוי חתם על צו המאפשר לשבים ממדינות ירוקות, שלא שהו במדינה שאינה נמצאת ברשימה ב-14 הימים לפני חזרתם לישראל, לחזור מבלי להזדקק לבידוד

Prof. Hezi Levy signed an order allowing returnees from green countries, who have not been in a country that is not on the list in the 14 days before returning to Israel, to return without the need for isolation

التطبيع الإماراتي.. أنظار إسرائيل على السعودية وصحفها تكشف تفاصيل عن تاريخ التوقيع ومقر السفارة وإيران تتوعد أبو ظبي

Emirati normalization ... Israel's eyes on Saudi Arabia and its newspapers reveal details about the date of the signature and the headquarters of the embassy, ​​and Iran threatens Abu Dhabi

كشفت الصحف الإسرائيلية العديد من التفاصيل المتعلقة بالخطوات التالية في مسار العلاقة بين الإمارات وإسرائيل، في حين صعّدت إيران من لهجتها ضد الإمارات وقالت إن التعامل معها سيختلف بعد التطبيع.

Israeli newspapers revealed many details regarding the next steps in the path of the relationship between the UAE and Israel, while Iran escalated its rhetoric against the UAE and said that dealing with it will differ after normalization.

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