News in Six Languages 14 Agustus 2020

Protestas en Bielorrusia: 5 cosas que tal vez no sabías sobre el país y su polémico presidente, Alexander Lukashenko

Protests in Belarus: 5 things you may not know about the country and its controversial president, Alexander Lukashenko

Es inusual que Bielorrusia ocupe los titulares internacionales, pero las imágenes de miles de personas tomando las calles de Minsk tras la reelección del presidente Alexander Lukashenko han impactado al mundo.

It is unusual for Belarus to make international headlines, but the images of thousands of people taking to the streets of Minsk following the re-election of President Alexander Lukashenko have shocked the world.

L’« accord d’Abraham », un rapprochement historique entre Israël et les Emirats arabes unis

The "Abraham Accord," a historic rapprochement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates

Cet accord, engagé sous les auspices de la Maison Blanche, « suspend » le projet israélien d’annexer une partie des territoires palestiniens occupés.

This agreement, initiated under the auspices of the White House, "suspends" the Israeli plan to annex part of the occupied Palestinian territories.

US-Präsident Trump räumt Blockade der Briefwahl offen ein

US President Trump openly admits blocking postal votes

Seit Monaten fährt der US-Präsident eine Kampagne gegen die Wahl per Brief. Nun hat er in einem Interview unverhohlen klargemacht, warum seine Partei der Post keine weiteren Milliarden geben will.

The US president has been campaigning against the election by letter for months.  Now he has made it openly clear in an interview why his party does not want to give the Post any more billions.

טראמפ: "ישראל ויתרה ויתור גדול, הסיפוח לא על השולחן"

Trump: "Israel has given up a big concession, the annexation is not on the table"

הנשיא האמריקאי התייחס להסכם עם האמירויות, והוסיף כי הוא מאמין כי הוא, וכן האפשרות כי מדינות נוספות באזור יחתמו על הסכמים עם ישראל, יגבירו את רצונם של הפלסטינים בשלום

The US president referred to the agreement with the Emirates, adding that he believes that he, as well as the possibility that other countries in the region will sign agreements with Israel, will increase the Palestinians' desire for peace.

السلطة تستدعي سفيرها في أبو ظبي وتصف ما فعلته الإمارات بالخيانة للقدس والأقصى والقضية الفلسطينية

The authority summons its ambassador to Abu Dhabi and describes what the UAE did with the betrayal of Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa, and the Palestinian cause

أكد الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس ورئيس المكتب السياسي لحركة المقاومة الإسلامية (حماس) رفضهما الاتفاق المعلن بين الإمارات وإسرائيل، واستدعت السلطة سفيرها في أبو ظبي، وهو الموقف الذي اتخذته كافة الأطياف الفلسطينية.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and head of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) confirmed their rejection of the announced agreement between the UAE and Israel, and the Authority recalled its ambassador in Abu Dhabi, a position taken by all Palestinian sects.

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