News in Six Languages 27 Juli 2020

Rebrotes de coronavirus: la situación en España despierta temores a una “segunda ola” de covid-19 en Europa

Coronavirus outbreaks: the situation in Spain raises fears of a "second wave" of covid-19 in Europe

España está adoptando nuevas medidas para frenar la nueva subida de casos de coronavirus, en medio de temores de que se dé una "segunda ola" más extendida.

Cataluña ha cerrado su vida nocturna para las próximas dos semanas, y otras ciudades y regiones están siendo también testigo de rebrotes.

Reino Unido anunció este sábado que quienes regresen al país procedentes de España tendrán que aislarse durante 14 días. Noruega adoptó medidas similares y Francia emitió una alerta de viaje.

Spain is taking new measures to stem the new rise in coronavirus cases, amid fears of a more widespread "second wave".

 Catalonia has closed its nightlife for the next two weeks, and other cities and regions are also witnessing outbreaks.
 The United Kingdom announced this Saturday that those who return to the country from Spain will have to isolate themselves for 14 days. Norway took similar measures and France issued a travel alert.

L’annulation d’une thèse pour plagiat déstabilise l’université Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne

Le doctorat d’Arash Derambarsh, qui lui a permis de devenir avocat, lui a été retiré par la section disciplinaire de l’établissement. Une série de dysfonctionnements ont été mis au jour.

Cancellation of a thesis for plagiarism destabilizes Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne University

 Arash Derambarsh's doctorate, which enabled him to become a lawyer, was withdrawn by the institution’s disciplinary section. A series of dysfunctions have been brought to light.

Le sujet devrait faire grand bruit dans le monde universitaire, et au-delà. Une thèse de droit soutenue et validée dans la prestigieuse Sorbonne, a-t-elle été entachée de nombreux et massifs copier-coller, constituant ainsi un plagiat ? La section disciplinaire du conseil académique de l’université Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne a tranché en ce sens, dans une décision en date du mardi 21 juillet, que Le Monde a pu consulter.

A l’issue d’une enquête approfondie résumée en 40 pages, la section retire à Arash Derambarsh son diplôme obtenu en 2015, une « passerelle » qui lui avait permis de devenir avocat. L’instance universitaire décide de « l’annulation de l’épreuve de soutenance de la thèse concernée », « ce qui implique, de facto, le retrait du diplôme de doctorat en droit ».

The subject is expected to make a splash in academia and beyond. Has a law thesis defended and validated in the prestigious Sorbonne been marred by numerous and massive copy and paste, thus constituting plagiarism? The disciplinary section of the academic council of Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne University ruled in this direction, in a decision dated Tuesday, July 21, which Le Monde was able to consult.

 After a thorough investigation summarized in 40 pages, the section deprived Arash Derambarsh of his diploma obtained in 2015, a "bridge" which had enabled him to become a lawyer. The university body decides on "the cancellation of the defense test for the thesis concerned", "which implies, de facto, the withdrawal of the doctorate degree in law".

Trump-Regierung droht mit neuer Eskalation in Portland

"In der Nacht völlig außer Kontrolle": So beschreibt Donald Trumps amtierender Heimatschutzminister die Lage in Portland. Nun will er noch härter gegen Demonstranten einschreiten – trotz heftiger Kritik.

Trump administration threatens new escalation in Portland

 "Completely out of control at night": This is how Donald Trump's current Secretary of Homeland Security describes the situation in Portland. Now he wants to take even harder action against demonstrators - despite fierce criticism.

Auch am Wochenende hat es in Portland wieder gewaltsame Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Protestteilnehmern und Sicherheitskräften des Bundes gegeben. Diese wurden gegen den Willen der Stadt und des Bundesstaats Oregon dorthin entsandt.

Und nach der jüngsten Aussage des amtierenden Heimatschutzministers der Regierung von Präsident Donald Trump ist mit einer Entspannung der Lage auch in den kommenden Tagen nicht zu rechnen. Im Gegenteil: Nach wochenlangen Protesten in der Stadt hat die US-Regierung eine weitere Verschärfung im Vorgehen gegen mutmaßliche Gewalttäter unter den Demonstranten angekündigt.

Also at the weekend there were violent clashes between protesters and federal security forces in Portland. These were posted against the will of the city and the state of Oregon.

 And according to the latest statement by the current Secretary of Homeland Security of the government of President Donald Trump, no easing of the situation is to be expected in the coming days. On the contrary: after weeks of protests in the city, the US government has announced a further tightening of its actions against alleged violent offenders among the demonstrators.

רופא בכיר למעריב: "המחלקות הפנימיות עלולות להגיע בחורף לתפוסה של 250%"

Senior doctor to Maariv: "Internal wards may reach 250% occupancy in winter"

בבתי החולים מודאגים מהשילוב הצפוי בין קורונה לשפעת. משרד הבריאות הודיע שנערך להגדלת כמות החיסונים השנתית נגד שפעת, קופות החולים כבר החלו בהזמנת החיסונים

Hospitals are concerned about the expected combination of corona and flu. The Ministry of Health announced that it was preparing to increase the annual amount of vaccines against influenza, the HMOs have already started ordering the vaccines

משרד הבריאות הודיע אתמול כי הוא נערך להגדיל את כמות החיסונים השנתית נגד שפעת לקראת עונת החורף. במשרד אמרו ל"מעריב": "אם לא יהיו מספיק חיסונים, יהיה צורך להעדיף את מתן החיסון לקבוצות עם הסיכון הגבוה ביותר לתחלואה ולתמותה משפעת".

לפי בדיקת "מעריב", קופת חולים הכללית, שבה מספר המבוטחים הגדול ביותר, הזמינה 2 מיליון חיסונים. במכבי, השנייה בגודלה, הוזמנו 1.2 מיליון מנות. מאוחדת, השלישית בגודלה, טרם הזמינה את 500 אלף החיסונים הדרושים לה, ולאומית הזמינה 350 אלף מנות. החיסונים צפויים להגיע במהלך החודשים ספטמבר ואוקטובר.

The Ministry of Health announced yesterday that it is preparing to increase the annual amount of flu vaccines ahead of the winter season. The ministry told Maariv: "If there are not enough vaccines, it will be necessary to give the vaccine to groups with the highest risk of morbidity and mortality from the flu." .

 At Maccabi, the second largest, 1.2 million packages were ordered. Meuhedet, the third largest, has not yet ordered the 500,000 vaccines it needs, and Leumit has ordered 350,000 doses. The vaccines are expected to arrive during the months of September and October.

كورونا.. أميركا اللاتينية والكاريبي الأكثر تأثرا في العالم ودول عربية تعود للإغلاق

Corona ... Latin America and the Caribbean are the most affected in the world and Arab countries are back to close

أصبحت أميركا اللاتينية والبحر الكاريبي أكثر منطقة في العالم تُسَجّل فيها إصابات بكوفيد-19 منذ بدء الوباء، وعمدت دول عربية إلى العودة للإغلاق مع ارتفاع أعداد الإصابات بفيروس كورونا فيها.

ووفق وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية، فقد تم إحصاء 4 ملايين و340 ألف إصابة في أميركا اللاتينية والكاريبي، وهي المرة الأولى التي يتجاوز فيها عدد الإصابات في هذه المنطقة عددَ الإصابات في أميركا الشمالية التي أُحصِيت فيها 4 ملايين و330 ألفا و989 إصابة، معظمها في الولايات المتحدة (4.2 ملايين إصابة ونحو 150 ألف وفاة).

Latin America and the Caribbean has become the most region in the world with recorded Covid-19 infections since the start of the epidemic, and Arab countries have returned to closing as the number of Coronavirus infections has increased.

 According to Agence France-Presse, 4 million and 340 thousand injuries were counted in Latin America and the Caribbean, the first time that the number of injuries in this region exceeded the number of injuries in North America where 4 million and 330 thousand and 989 injuries were recorded, most of them in the United States (4.2) Millions of injuries and about 150 thousand deaths).

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