News in Six Languages 26 Juli 2020

Donald Trump: la semana en que todo cambió para el presidente de Estados Unidos

Donald Trump: the week that everything changed for the President of the United States

Es como si al asumir la presidencia de EE.UU., en enero de 2017, Donald Trump hubiera recibido un auto nuevo y brillante, el mejor y más hermoso que se haya visto. Y que solo en julio de 2020 se hubiera dado cuenta de algo importante: tiene reversa.

Una función del vehículo que nunca pensó que necesitaría y que ciertamente nunca tuvo la intención de usar.

Pero el pasado lunes, echó marcha atrás y se enredó con la palanca de cambios y el embrague… y ahora no puede evitar que retroceda.

It is as if upon assuming the presidency of the United States, in January 2017, Donald Trump had received a shiny new car, the best and most beautiful that has ever been seen. And that only in July 2020 he would have realized something important: it has a reverse.

 A vehicle feature that you never thought you would need and that you certainly never intended to use.
 But last Monday, he backed up and got caught up in the gear stick and clutch ... and now he can't stop him from backing up.

Incendie de la cathédrale de Nantes : le bénévole déjà soupçonné mis en examen et placé en détention

Cet homme de 39 ans, chargé de la sécurité de la cathédrale, avait été placé en garde à vue le 18 juillet avant d’être remis en liberté. Il a avoué devant le juge d’instruction être à l’origine des trois départs de feu.

Nantes cathedral fire: the volunteer already suspected indicted and placed in detention

 The 39-year-old man, responsible for cathedral security, was taken into custody on July 18 before being released. He admitted to the investigating judge to be behind the three fires.

Une semaine jour pour jour après l’incendie de la cathédrale de Nantes, l’homme de 39 ans qui avait été placé en garde à vue peu après le sinistre, puis relâché, a été mis en examen pour « dégradations, détériorations ou destruction du bien d’autrui par incendie », a confirmé Pierre Sennès, le procureur de la République de Nantes, à 2 h 30, dans la nuit du samedi 25 au dimanche 26 juillet.

Après avoir contesté les faits lors de sa garde à vue, le suspect a « reconnu lors de l’interrogatoire de première comparution devant le juge d’instruction avoir allumé les trois feux », selon Pierre Sennès. Ses motivations restent inconnues. Il n’a aucun antécédent judiciaire. Conformément aux réquisitions du parquet, il a été placé en détention provisoire. Il risque jusqu’à dix ans d’emprisonnement et 150 000 euros d’amende.

One week to the day after the fire in Nantes cathedral, the 39-year-old man who had been taken into police custody shortly after the incident, then released, was indicted for "damage, deterioration or destruction of the property of others by fire ”, confirmed Pierre Sennès, the public prosecutor of Nantes, at 2:30 am, on the night of Saturday 25 to Sunday 26 July.

 After disputing the facts while in police custody, the suspect "admitted during the initial interrogation before the investigating judge to have lit the three fires", according to Pierre Sennès. His motivations remain unknown. He has no criminal record. In accordance with the prosecution's requisitions, he was placed in pre-trial detention. He faces up to ten years in prison and a fine of 150,000 euros.

Ja, will ich

Bald will Kandidat Joe Biden bekannt geben, wen er als "Running Mate", also mögliche Vizepräsidentin, an seine Seite holt. Er könnte damit die Vorentscheidung über eine künftige Präsidentin treffen. Wer hat die besten Chancen?

Yes I want to

 Candidate Joe Biden will soon announce whom he will bring to his side as a "running mate". He could make the preliminary decision about a future president. Who has the best chances?

Monatelang hat Joe Biden mit diversen Parteifreundinnen gezoomt. Seine Mitarbeiter haben den Hintergrund der Kandidatinnen ausgeleuchtet und nach dunklen Flecken in deren Vergangenheit gesucht.

Nun ist es bald soweit: Biden will den nächsten Tagen bekannt geben, wen er im Fall eines Wahlsiegs als Vizepräsidentin mit ins Weiße Haus nehmen wird. Klar ist bislang nur, dass es eine Frau sein soll.

For months, Joe Biden zoomed in with various party friends. His employees illuminated the background of the candidates and looked for dark spots in their past.

 Now it will soon be time: Biden wants to announce in the next few days who he will take to the White House if he wins the election as Vice President. So far it is only clear that it should be a woman.

מדינה במחאה: אלפים הפגינו מול מעון רה"מ בירושלים, חמישה עוכבו

Country in protest: Thousands demonstrate in front of the prime minister's residence in Jerusalem, five detained

הפגנות במאות מוקדים התקיימו הערב ברחבי הארץ ולראשונה גם מול ביתו של נתניהו בקיסריה, שהוקף בגדרות תיל. בבירה עוכבו חמישה חשודים בגין הפרת הסדר הציבורי

Demonstrations in hundreds of centers took place this evening across the country and for the first time also in front of Netanyahu's house in Caesarea, which is surrounded by barbed wire fences. In the capital, five suspects were detained for disturbing public order

מדינה במחאה: מאות הפגנות התקיימו הערב (שבת) והלילה (ראשון) ברחבי הארץ, כאשר לראשונה אחת המחאות נערכה מול ביתו הפרטי של ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו בקיסריה, שם הפגינו מאות אנשים במקביל לאלפים שהגיעו למחאה שהתקיימה מול מעונו ברחוב בלפור בירושלים ולהפגנה נוספת בגן צ'ארלס קלור בתל אביב. מחאת הדגלים השחורים נערכה ב-250 מוקדים שונים ברחבי הארץ. המשטרה מסרה כי המחאה בגן צ'רלס קלור הסתיימה ללא אירועים חריגים, בעוד שבירושלים עוכבו חמישה חשודים בגין הפרת הסדר הציבורי.

Country in protest: Hundreds of demonstrations took place tonight (Saturday) and tonight (Sunday) across the country, when for the first time one of the protests took place in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's private home in Caesarea, where hundreds of thousands demonstrated. Earl Clore in Tel Aviv. The black flag protest was held in 250 different centers around the country. Police said the protest in Charles Clore Park ended without incident, while in Jerusalem five suspects were detained for disturbing public order.

القسطنطينية العثمانية في عيون مسيحييها.. السلطان الفاتح كما رآه الأرثوذكس والكاثوليك والأرمن

Ottoman Constantinople in the eyes of its Christians ... the conquest Sultan as seen by the Orthodox, Catholics and Armenians

منذ اللحظة الأولى لفتح القسطنطينية "إسطنبول" عام 1453م/ 857هـ، شرع السلطان الشاب محمد الثاني "الفاتح" في تطبيق رؤيته لعاصمته العثمانية الجديدة، ولم يردها مدينة تركية أو إسلامية فحسب، بل حرص على أن تعكس التنوع العرقي والثقافي الهائل لإمبراطوريته الآخذة في التوسع.

كان السلطان الفاتح نفسه من عرق مختلط، وكان قريبا لزوجة أبيه الأميرة الصربية مارا ديسبينا برانكوفيتش خاتون التي حكمت بلادها فيما بعد وتحالفت معه، ويذهب بعض المؤرخين إلى أن والدة السلطان الفاتح "خديجة هُما خاتون" صربية الأصل أيضا، ويوحي ذكرها باسم "خاتون بنت عبد الله" لكونها اعتنقت الإسلام إذ كان اسم عبد الله يطلق على المسلمين الجدد.

From the first moment of the conquest of Constantinople "Istanbul" in 1453 AD / 857 AH, the young Sultan Mehmed II "Al-Fatih" embarked on implementing his vision of his new Ottoman capital, and he not only wanted a Turkish or Islamic city, but was also keen to reflect the enormous ethnic and cultural diversity of his expanding empire.

 The conqueror himself was of mixed race, and he was close to his father-in-law, the Serbian princess Mara Despina Brankovi Khatun, who later ruled her country and allied with him, and some historians argue that the mother of the conqueror, Khadija, Khan Khatun, also Serbian in origin, and her mention suggests it as “Khatun bint Abd Allah "because she embraced Islam as the name Abdullah was used to call new Muslims.

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