News in Six Languages 23 Juli 2020

Vacuna contra la covid-19 | "Sólo duermo 4 horas al día desde febrero": el científico latinoamericano que trabaja en el proyecto de la Universidad de Oxford

Covid-19 vaccine |  "I only sleep 4 hours a day from February": the Latin American scientist working on the Oxford University project

Trabaja día y noche con decenas de colegas con una misión: desarrollar una vacuna contra el coronavirus.

El especialista en salud pública y enfermedades infecciosas Pedro Folegatti trabajó en la investigación de enfermedades tropicales, infecciosas y parasitarias en Brasil, Tanzania, Uganda y el Reino Unido antes de convertirse en uno de los científicos del instituto de la Universidad de Oxford que lleva el nombre del inventor de la vacunación, Edward Jenner.

He works day and night with dozens of colleagues on one mission: to develop a coronavirus vaccine.

Public health and infectious disease specialist Pedro Folegatti worked on tropical, infectious and parasitic disease research in Brazil, Tanzania, Uganda and the UK before becoming one of the scientists at the Oxford University institute named after him  from the inventor of vaccination, Edward Jenner.

Coronavirus dans le monde : les Etats-Unis précommandent 100 millions de doses d’un potentiel vaccin

L’Australie a, pour sa part, annoncé mercredi 502 nouveaux cas de Covid-19, soit le chiffre le plus élevé depuis l’apparition de l’épidémie sur l’île continent.

Coronavirus around the world: United States pre-orders 100 million doses of potential vaccine

Australia, for its part, announced Wednesday 502 new cases of Covid-19, the highest figure since the appearance of the epidemic on the island continent.

La pandémie de Covid-19 a fait plus de 617 000 morts dans le monde depuis la fin de décembre, selon un bilan établi par l’Agence France-Presse (AFP) à partir de sources officielles, mercredi 22 juillet à 18 heures. Plus de 15 millions de cas d’infection ont été officiellement diagnostiqués dans 196 pays et territoires.

The Covid-19 pandemic has killed more than 617,000 people worldwide since the end of December, according to a report compiled by Agence France-Presse (AFP) from official sources, Wednesday July 22 at 6 p.m.  More than 15 million cases of infection have been officially diagnosed in 196 countries and territories.

Trumps bester Mann in Arizona

Die USA drohen im Chaos zu versinken - das glaubt zumindest Joe Arpaio. Ein Besuch beim 88-Jährigen, der als härtester Sheriff der USA galt und jetzt davon träumt, wieder für Zucht und Ordnung zu sorgen.

Trump's best man in Arizona

The United States threatens to sink into chaos - at least that's what Joe Arpaio believes.  A visit to the 88-year-old, who was the toughest sheriff in the USA and now dreams of restoring order and order.

So wie Joe Arpaio die Dinge sieht, läuft gerade eine Menge schief in seinem Land. Die gewaltsamen Demonstrationen, die täglichen Plünderungen. Cops, die festgenommen werden, weil sie ihren Job machen. "Wir sind in echten Schwierigkeiten", sagt er.

Arpaio sitzt in seinem Büro im Wüstenstädtchen Fountain Hills, rund 50 Kilometer von Phoenix entfernt. Wände und Regale sind mit Fotos und Auszeichnungen bedeckt: Arpaio mit Donald Trump, eine Büste von Ronald Reagan, ein alter Bericht aus dem Magazin "Time" mit der Überschrift: "Es ist kein Spaß im Bezirksgefängnis."

The way Joe Arpaio sees things, a lot is going wrong in his country right now.  The violent demonstrations, the daily looting.  Cops arrested for doing their job.  "We are in real trouble," he says.

Arpaio sits in his office in the desert town of Fountain Hills, around 50 kilometers from Phoenix.  Walls and shelves are covered with photos and awards: Arpaio with Donald Trump, a bust of Ronald Reagan, an old report from the magazine "Time" with the heading: "It's not fun in the district prison."

חוק "עוקף ועדת הקורונה" אושר בקריאה שנייה ושלישית

The "Bypass of the Corona Commission" law was approved on second and third reading

החוק קובע כי תקנות החירום ייכנסו לתוקף בתוך 24 שעות ממועד התקנתן למשך 28 ימים. 48 ח"כים הצביעו בעד לצד 35 מתנגדים וללא נמענים. כלל הסתייגויות האופוזיציה נדחו

The law stipulates that emergency regulations will enter into force within 24 hours from the date of their enactment for 28 days.  48 MKs voted in favor alongside 35 opponents and no recipients. All opposition reservations were rejected

מליאת הכנסת אישרה במהלך הלילה (רביעי) בקריאה שנייה ושלישית את חוק הקורונה, המסדיר את סמכויות הממשלה להכריז על מצב חירום ולהתקין תקנות הנוגעות לקורונה. 48 חברי כנסת הצביעו בעד החוק, לצד 35 מתנגדים, ללא נמנעים בהצבעה. כלל ההסתייגויות שהוגשו על ידי האופוזיציה נדחו.

The Knesset plenum approved during the night (Wednesday) in the second and third readings the Corona Law, which regulates the powers of the government to declare a state of emergency and to enact regulations concerning the Corona.  48 MKs voted in favor of the law, along with 35 opponents, with no abstentions.  All reservations submitted by the opposition were rejected.

على رمال ليبيا المتحركة.. اصطفافات ومواقف إقليمية ودولية تفرضها المصالح ويحكمها التاريخ

Libya’s moving sands .. regional and international lineups and positions imposed by interests and governed by history

تتسارع التطورات في ليبيا ومعها تتسارع مواقف الدول المتأثرة بالصراع أو المؤثرة فيه عبر دعم طرفي النزاع، وفي ظل أزمة متشعّبة ومتعددة الأطراف يبدو المشهد في ليبيا أشبه بالوقوف على رمال متحركة.

ولم يكن الصراع الليبي الليبي المتواصل منذ أكثر من ٩ سنوات بمنأى عن التدخلات والتجاذبات الخارجية، بل كان ذلك عاملا مؤثرا وساهم في دعم طرفي النزاع وفي تغيير المعطيات على الأرض.

The developments in Libya are accelerating, and with them the attitudes of countries affected or affected by the conflict are accelerating by supporting the two parties to the conflict. In light of the complex and multifaceted crisis, the scene in Libya appears more like standing on moving sand.

The Libyan-Libyan conflict, which has been going on for more than 9 years, was not immune to external interference and polarization. Rather, it was an influential factor that contributed to supporting both parties to the conflict and to changing data on the ground.

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