Glass, porcelain and revive the heritage of Islamic architecture and its usage in architectural facades of villages west coast tourist in Egypt

 Glass, porcelain and revive the heritage of Islamic architecture and its usage in architectural facades of villages west coast tourist in Egypt

The Islamic Art from the world's most popular arts and the longest for so It has provided us with the history of the Egyptian Islamic civilization with many religious and civilian facilities, which includes masterpieces of Islamic Art, And return value to the art of Islamic many reasons combines organic aesthetic values and business values and uses described the golden age of Islam to describe the historical period in which the Islamic civilization was advanced, extending from the middle of the fourth century and the fifth century AD During this period, engineers, scientists and traders Muslim world to contribute significantly to the art, economics, literature and industry fields by maintaining and building on previous contributions and the addition of many of their inventions and innovations, has created philosophers, poets, artists and Muslims princes unique culture turn influenced societies on every continent . Islamic Arts religion is not based Islamic Art is considered a cultural rather than a religious art, and the Islamic architecture depends on applied aspects through the establishment of mosques and domes, bridges and dams have Muslims excelled in the construction of huge domes and succeeded in complex calculations based on the methods of construction cortical analysis, these constructions complex and sophisticated than domes such as the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and the domes of mosques Astana, Damascus, Cairo, Aleppo and al-Andalus which radically different from Romania domes which are completely dependent on complex mathematics are different, we have built Bricklayers Muslims high and long minarets, which differ from Romania towers. Materials that make them these works of art Islamic such as business of wood and glass and stucco and stone are materials that are subject to the demise of the patio factors air and nature surrounding us must be maintained and processed, protected and maintained constantly from any danger threatened and for that we appeal to all artists and scholars of the modern age and scholars of the Islamic world to contribute to the to find innovative technological solutions to save these Islamic monuments in their fields to follow the style of modern technical and technological. Research problem: 1 - the need for Revival of Islamic Heritage and benefit from it in the work of innovative designs suitable for implementation in various fields of architecture tourist villages west coast in Egypt. Aim of the research: Emphasis on creating technical and technological solutions developed in line with the Islamic heritage through design philosophy of all the trends and achieved through the raw materials that are flexible design. Find impose: Check impose Find in determining for the production of glazed ceramic tiles in which elements that are consistent with Islamic art available technology considerations

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