News in Six Languages 17 Agustus 2020

El inédito video clandestino filmado por un joven que muestra cómo es un centro de detención de China para musulmanes uigures

The unpublished clandestine video filmed by a young man showing what a Chinese detention center for Uighur Muslims looks like

Como modelo para el popular sitio de comercio electrónico Taobao, el hombre de 31 años recibía una muy buena paga para hacer alarde de su buena apariencia en elegantes videos promocionales para marcas de ropa.

As a model for the popular e-commerce site Taobao, the 31-year-old was paid very well to flaunt his good looks in stylish promotional videos for clothing brands.

Présidentielle américaine, J − 77 : une convention virtuelle pour mettre en scène l’unité des démocrates contre Trump

US Presidential, D - 77: a virtual convention to stage the unity of the Democrats against Trump

En raison du Covid-19, la convention d’investiture démocrate qui s’ouvre lundi à Milwaukee ne réunira pas les foules habituelles. Les grands noms du parti prendront la parole à distance.

Due to Covid-19, the Democratic nomination convention that opens Monday in Milwaukee will not meet the usual crowds.  The big names of the party will speak from a distance.

Lukaschenko versteht sein Land nicht mehr

Lukashenko no longer understands his country

Der belarussische Autokrat Alexander Lukaschenko ist schwer angeschlagen, er hat die Mehrheit seines Volkes längst verloren. Doch begriffen hat er das offenbar nicht. Wie lange hält er sich noch?

The Belarusian autocrat Alexander Lukashenko is badly hit; he has long since lost the majority of his people.  But apparently he did not understand that.  How long does it last?

איחוד האמירויות: "ההסכם עם ישראל לא מכוון נגד איראן"

United Arab Emirates: "Agreement with Israel not directed against Iran"

בניסיון להרגיע את הרוחות, הבהיר שר החוץ של הנסיכות כי הסכם כינון היחסים לא נועד להעביר מסר לטהרן. זאת, לאחר שאבו דאבי זימנו את השגריר האיראני ומסרו לו מכתב גינוי לדברי רוחאני

In an attempt to calm the spirits, the foreign minister of the princesses clarified that the agreement establishing the relationship was not intended to convey a message to Tehran.  This, after Abu Dhabi summoned the Iranian ambassador and gave him a letter of condemnation according to Rouhani

التطبيع الإماراتي الإسرائيلي.. فتح خطوط الهاتف ورئيس الموساد بطريقه لأبو ظبي و4 دول عربية على الدرب

Emirati-Israeli normalization ... Opening telephone lines and the head of the Mossad on his way to Abu Dhabi and 4 Arab countries on the path

تتسارع وتيرة التطبيع الكامل بين الإمارات وإسرائيل، حيث دشن الجانبان الاتصالات الهاتفية المباشرة. وفي حين يتوجه رئيس الموساد إلى أبو ظبي، أوضحت إسرائيل الأسس التي قام عليها التطبيع، وكشفت عن دول عربية أخرى في طريقها للاقتداء بالإمارات.

The pace of full normalization between the UAE and Israel is accelerating, as the two sides have launched direct phone calls.  While the head of the Mossad heads to Abu Dhabi, Israel clarified the foundations on which normalization was based, and revealed other Arab countries on their way to follow the example of the Emirates. 

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