News in Six Languages 19 Juli 2020

La "revolucionaria" prueba de saliva que podría poner fin a la pandemia de coronavirus

Coronavirus test: the "revolutionary" saliva test that could end the pandemic

¿Que pasaría se hubiese una manera de retornar a como se vivía antes del coronavirus? No más distanciamiento social, no más mascarillas, no más temor de infección de covid-19.

Obviamente la razón de todas las restricciones tienen el objetivo de repeler el virus y minimizar el contagio. Lo que necesitamos es una manera rápida y confiable de detectar aquellos en nuestro entorno que están infectados.

What would happen if there was a way to return to how one lived before the coronavirus?  No more social distancing, no more masks, no more fear of covid-19 infection.

Obviously the reason for all restrictions is to repel the virus and minimize contagion.  What we need is a fast and reliable way to detect those in our environment who are infected.

Olivier Véran confirme que le port du masque sera obligatoire dans les lieux publics clos dès lundi

Alors que la date restait en suspend, le ministre de la santé a officialisé samedi, sur Twitter, l’obligation de porter le masque dans les lieux publics clos, « dès lundi ».

Coronavirus: Olivier Véran confirms that wearing a mask will be compulsory in public places closed on Monday

While the date remained suspended, the health minister formalized on Saturday, on Twitter, the obligation to wear the mask in closed public places, "from Monday".

Deux mois après le déconfinement, alors que plusieurs signaux montrent une légère reprise du nombre de personnes infectées par le nouveau coronavirus, les autorités multiplient les avertissements, et renforcent la prévention. Le ministre de la santé, Olivier Véran, a fait savoir, samedi 18 juillet, que le masque serait obligatoire dans les lieux publics clos dès lundi.

Two months after deconfinement, while several signals show a slight upturn in the number of people infected with the new coronavirus, the authorities are increasing the warnings and stepping up prevention.  The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, said on Saturday July 18 that the mask would be mandatory in closed public places from Monday.

EU-Corona-Gipfel geht in die Verlängerung

Die Staats- und Regierungschefs haben bei ihrem Corona-Sondergipfel in Brüssel keine Einigung erzielt. Aber sie wollen weiter verhandeln - und setzen sich am Sonntag wieder zusammen. Weiterer Streit ist allerdings programmiert.

EU Corona Summit is being extended
The heads of state and government failed to reach an agreement at their special Corona summit in Brussels.  But they want to continue negotiating - and get back together on Sunday.  However, further disputes are inevitable.

Der EU-Gipfel zum Hilfspaket gegen die wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Corona-Krise und dem nächsten mehrjährigen Gemeinschaftshaushalt geht in die Verlängerung. Das eigentlich nur bis Samstag geplante Treffen werde am Sonntagmittag fortgesetzt, teilte ein Sprecher von EU-Ratspräsident Charles Michel am Abend in Brüssel mit. Hoch umstritten blieb vor allem der 750 Milliarden Euro schwere Corona-Hilfsfonds. Vor dem dritten Gipfeltag ging die Suche nach Lösungen auch in der Nacht weiter.

The EU summit on the aid package against the economic consequences of the Corona crisis and the next multiannual Community budget goes into extension. Actually, the meetings planned only until Saturday will continue on Sunday afternoon, a spokesman of EU Council President Charles Michel said in the evening in Brussels. Highly controversial remained above all the 750 billion euros of heavy corona relief funds. Before the third summit day, the search for solutions continued at night.

מדינה במחאה: ההפגנות הסתיימו, 13 נעצרו בתל אביב ו-15 בירושלים

Country in protest: Demonstrations ended, 13 arrested in Tel Aviv and 15 in Jerusalem

רבים הגיעו לפארק צ'ארלס קלור בתל אביב, והמשטרה קראה להם להתפזר בטענה כי ההפגנה אינה חוקית. הרחובות הסמוכים למעון רה"מ בירושלים נחסמו לתנועה

Many arrived at Charles Clore Park in Tel Aviv, and police called for them to disperse, claiming the demonstration was illegal.  The streets near the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem were blocked to traffic

דרמה גדולה במחאות ברחבי הארץ: אלפי בני אדם הפגינו אמש (שבת) בגן צ'ארלס קלור בתל אביב וברחובות הסובבים את מעון רה"מ בירושלים, במחאה על התנהלות הממשלה במהלך משבר הקורונה והיחס לעובדים במשק.

Great drama in protests around the country: Thousands of people demonstrated last night (Saturday) in the Charles Clore Garden in Tel Aviv and in the streets surrounding the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem, in protest of the government's conduct during the Corona crisis and the treatment of workers in the economy.

غوتيريش قال إن الفيروس كشف هشاشة المجتمعات.. إصابات قياسية بكورونا عبر العالم وأرقام مخيفة في إيران

Guterres said that the virus has exposed the fragility of societies ... record infections in Corona worldwide and frightening numbers in Iran

سجلت منظمة الصحة العالمية السبت زيادة قياسية جديدة، ولليوم الثاني على التوالي، في أعداد الإصابات بفيروس كورونا على مستوى العالم بلغت 259 ألفا و848 حالة خلال الساعات الـ24 الماضية.

وأظهر التقرير اليومي للمنظمة أن أكبر الزيادات حدثت في الولايات المتحدة والبرازيل والهند وجنوب أفريقيا. وتم تسجيل أكثر من 14 مليون إصابة بفيروس كورونا في جميع أنحاء العالم منذ أن ظهر في الصين في ديسمبر/كانون الأول الماضي، وأودى بحياة نحو 596 ألف شخص.

The World Health Organization recorded on Saturday a new record increase, and for the second day in a row, the number of coronavirus infections worldwide reached 259,000 and 848 cases during the past 24 hours.

The organization's daily report showed that the largest increases occurred in the United States, Brazil, India and South Africa.  More than 14 million cases of Coronavirus have been recorded worldwide since it appeared in China last December, and has claimed about 596,000 lives.

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