Three Languages in News 18 Juli 2020

El experimento de confinamiento que terminó con sus participantes casi muertos por el hambre y la falta de oxígeno

La aventura casi termina en tragedia.

En 1991, un grupo de ocho investigadores voluntarios se encerró durante dos años en una estructura de cristal y acero dentro de la que científicos habían recreado varios ecosistemas del planeta Tierra.

Aquel experimento formaba parte del proyecto Biosfera 2 y el objetivo era comprobar si, en un futuro, los humanos podrían vivir en circunstancias similares en colonias en otros planetas.

Gran parte de la rutina de los ocho participantes, llamados "biosferianos", se redujo a labores agrícolas. Debían cultivar sus propios vegetales, recolectar granos del suelo y obtener proteínas de animales de granja y peces criados en estanques de acuicultura.

The confinement experiment that ended with its participants nearly dead from starvation and oxygen starvation

The adventure almost ended in tragedy.

 In 1991, a group of eight volunteer researchers locked up for two years in a glass and steel structure within which scientists had recreated various ecosystems on planet Earth.

 That experiment was part of the Biosphere 2 project and the objective was to check if, in the future, humans could live in similar circumstances in colonies on other planets.

Much of the routine of the eight participants, called "biosferians", was reduced to agricultural work.  They had to grow their own vegetables, collect grains from the soil, and obtain protein from farm animals and fish raised in aquaculture ponds.

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La Bretagne fait face à une circulation plus active du coronavirus

La situation reste sous contrôle, selon les autorités de santé régionales. Elles ne constatent pas d’effet « touristes » pour l’instant.

En Bretagne, la situation sur le front sanitaire se tend mais, insiste l’agence régionale de santé (ARS), elle reste « sous contrôle ». Elle est pourtant la région de France où le taux de reproduction, le « R effectif », est le plus haut, atteignant 2,68, soit une personne malade en contaminant près de 3, alors qu’il est de 1,2 au niveau national.

Covid-19: Brittany faces more active circulation of the new coronavirus
 The situation remains under control, according to regional health authorities.  They are not seeing any "tourist" effect yet.

In Brittany, the situation on the health front is tense but, insists the regional health agency (ARS), it remains "under control".  It is however the region of France where the reproduction rate, the “effective R”, is the highest, reaching 2.68, that is to say a sick person contaminating nearly 3, whereas it is 1.2 at the level  national.

מסתמן: תוכנית "מענקי הקורונה" תובא מחר לאישור הממשלה

תוכנית המענקים לכל אזרח, עליה הצהירו ראש הממשלה, בנימין נתניהו, ושר האוצר, ישראל כ"ץ, ככל הנראה תעלה בסופו של דבר על סדר יומה של הממשלה, זאת לאחר ביקורת רבה

בעקבות הביקורת? גורם באוצר אמר היום (שבת) כי "נעשה מאמץ להעלות בכל זאת את תוכנית המענקים לכל אזרח, עליה הצהירו ראש הממשלה, בנימין נתניהו, ושר האוצר, ישראל כ"ץ, לפני שלושה ימים, להחלטת ממשלה בראשון, אך זאת בכפוף לאישור של היועץ המשפטי לקיצור הזמן המיועד להפצת התזכיר בנושא, כך דווח בכאן 11

It turns out: the "Corona Grants" program will be submitted to the government for approval tomorrow

The program of grants for every citizen, announced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Finance Minister Israel Katz, will probably eventually be on the government's agenda, after much criticism.

Following the review?  A source in the Ministry of Finance said today (Saturday) that "an effort is being made to increase the grant program for every citizen, which was announced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Finance Israel Katz three days ago by a government decision, but subject to the council's approval  The legal for shortening the time intended for the distribution of the memorandum on the subject, it was reported here 11

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