News in Six Languages 20 Juli 2020

6 países donde se reducirá drásticamente la población y uno donde crecerá (y qué consecuencias traerán estos cambios)

6 countries where the population will drastically decrease and one where it will grow (and what consequences will these changes bring)

Si las proyecciones siguen su curso actual, la caída en las tasas de fertilidad que se ven hasta ahora tendrá un impacto "asombroso" en el mundo a finales de siglo.

Un nuevo y amplio estudio publicado en la revista médica The Lancet sugiere que casi todos los países del planeta podrían ver una gran reducción de sus poblaciones en las próximas décadas.

En particular, siete países han mostrado algunos de los cambios demográficos más alarmantes, pero ya algunos están tomando medidas para enfrentar esta situación.

If the projections continue their current course, the drop in fertility rates seen so far will have an "astonishing" impact on the world by the end of the century.

A large new study published in the medical journal The Lancet suggests that almost every country on the planet could see a large reduction in their populations in the coming decades.

In particular, seven countries have shown some of the most alarming demographic changes, but some are already taking steps to deal with this situation.

Coronavirus : ce qu’il faut savoir sur l’obligation de porter le masque dans les lieux publics clos, en vigueur lundi

Les « magasins de vente, centres commerciaux, administrations, banques et marchés couverts » s’ajoutent à la liste des lieux où le port du masque était déjà prévu pour lutter contre le Covid-19, selon la DGS.

Coronavirus: what you need to know about the obligation to wear a mask in closed public places, effective Monday

"Sales stores, shopping malls, government offices, banks and covered markets" are added to the list of places where the mask was already planned to fight against Covid-19, according to the DGS.

Alors que les signaux d’une légère reprise de l’épidémie de Covid-19 se multiplient en France, Emmanuel Macron a annoncé, mardi 14 juillet, que le port du masque sera « obligatoire dans tous les lieux publics clos ». D’abord prévue pour le 1er août, cette obligation entrera, finalement, en vigueur dès lundi 20 juillet.

Le ministre de la santé, Olivier Véran, a officialisé samedi, sur Twitter, l’obligation de porter le masque dans les lieux publics clos « dès lundi ». La Direction générale de la santé (DGS) a ensuite détaillé, dimanche, dans quels lieux cette obligation aurait cours.

As the signals of a slight resumption of the Covid-19 epidemic are multiplying in France, Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday July 14 that wearing a mask will be "compulsory in all enclosed public places".  First scheduled for August 1, this obligation will finally come into effect on Monday July 20.

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, formalized on Saturday, on Twitter, the obligation to wear the mask in closed public places "from Monday".  The General Directorate of Health (DGS) then detailed on Sunday in which places this obligation would apply.

Portlands Bürgermeister fordert Rückzug von Trumps Truppen

Sie eskalieren die Situation durch ihre verfassungswidrige Taktiken: So sieht Portlands Bürgermeister Wheeler die von US-Präsident Trump geschickten Bundespolizisten: "Wir wollen, dass sie gehen."

Portland's mayor calls for Trump's troops to withdraw

They escalate the situation through their unconstitutional tactics: This is how Portland Mayor Wheeler sees the federal police officers sent by US President Trump: "We want them to go."

Nach heftigen Ausschreitungen hat der Bürgermeister der US-Westküstenmetropole Portland den Rückzug der von Präsident Donald Trump entsendeten Bundespolizisten gefordert. Diese würden mit verfassungswidrigen Taktiken die Situation gefährlich eskalieren lassen, sagte Bürgermeister Ted Wheeler am Sonntag dem Sender CNN. "Ihre Anwesenheit hier führt tatsächlich zu mehr Gewalt und mehr Vandalismus", führte der Demokrat aus. Derweil rief die Polizei am Sonntag den Ausnahmezustand in der Stadt im Bundesstaat Oregon aus.

After violent riots, the mayor of the US west coast metropolis of Portland called for the withdrawal of federal police officers sent by President Donald Trump.  These would escalate the situation dangerously with unconstitutional tactics, Mayor Ted Wheeler told CNN on Sunday.  "Your presence here actually leads to more violence and more vandalism," said the democrat.  Meanwhile, police announced a state of emergency in the city of Oregon on Sunday.

מענקים מופחתים לרווקים וחלוקת תווי קנייה: הקבינט הכלכלי ידון בתוכנית הסיוע

Reduced grants for singles and distribution of purchase notes: The Economic Cabinet will discuss the assistance program

לאחר שהתוכנית אושרה בישיבת הממשלה, הערב יוכרע כיצד יחולקו הכספים: מסתמן שינוי בגובה המענקים, העדפת מקבלי קצבאות וחלוקת תווי קנייה כדי לעודד את הצריכה

Once the plan is approved at the cabinet meeting, tonight it will be decided how the funds will be distributed: there is a change in the level of grants, preference for pension recipients and distribution of purchase notes to encourage consumption.

לאחר הצהרות נתניהו וכ"ץ: הממשלה אישרה היום (ראשון) את התכנית הכלכלית שתאפשר את חלוקת מענקי הקורונה לעצמאיים, לשכירים ולאזרחים, ובשעות הערב צפוי להתכנס "קבינט העל הכלכלי" הכולל את ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו, ראש הממשלה החליפי ושר הביטחון בני גנץ, שר האוצר ישראל כ"ץ ושר הכלכלה עמיר פרץ - זאת על מנת לאשר את אופן חלוקת הכספים ומנגנון העברתו לאזרחים.

Following the statements of Netanyahu and Katz: The government today (Sunday) approved the economic plan that will allow the distribution of corona grants to the self-employed, employees and citizens, and in the evening the "super economic cabinet" is expected to include Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Bnei Gantz.  Minister of Finance Israel Katz and Minister of Economy Amir Peretz - in order to approve the manner in which the funds are distributed and the mechanism for transferring them to citizens.

ليبيا.. الوفاق تحشد حول سرت والجزائر تكشف عن خطة للحل وترفض تسليح القبائل

Libya: Al-Wefaq mobilizes around Sirte, Algeria unveils plan for solution and refuses to arm tribes

أعلنت حكومة الوفاق الليبية حشد قواتها غرب مدينة سرت استعدادا لعملية عسكرية مرتقبة، في حين كشف الرئيس الجزائري عبد المجيد تبون عن خطة للحل، ولمح لمعارضة تسليح القبائل الليبية.

وجاء وصف الحشد العسكري غرب سرت (450 كيلومترا شرق طرابلس) بغير المسبوق على لسان مصطفى المجعي المتحدث باسم عملية "بركان الغضب" التابعة لحكومة الوفاق أمس الأحد في تصريحات لوكالة الأنباء الألمانية.

The Libyan reconciliation government announced the mobilization of its forces west of the city of Sirte in preparation for a forthcoming military operation, while Algerian President Abdel Majid Taboun revealed a plan for a solution, and hinted at the opposition to arming the Libyan tribes.

The military build-up west of Sirte (450 km east of Tripoli) was described as unprecedented by Mustafa al-Mujai, spokesman for the "Barkan Al-Anger" operation of the Al-Wefaq government, on Sunday, in statements to German News Agency.

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