News in Six Languages 29 Juli 2020

Crisis económica por el coronavirus: cuáles son los países con mayores reservas de oro y cómo les afecta la fuerte subida de su precio

Economic crisis due to the coronavirus: which are the countries with the largest gold reserves and how does the sharp rise in their price affect them?

Las posibilidades de una segunda ola de coronavirus alrededor del mundo junto con las inciertas perspectivas para las economías más grandes han provocado que los inversores se lancen a los brazos de un viejo conocido en todas las crisis.

The prospects of a second wave of coronaviruses around the world coupled with uncertain prospects for the larger economies have caused investors to throw themselves into the arms of an old acquaintance in all crises.

Quelles villes, pays ou régions rétablissent un confinement pour endiguer la pandémie?

Which cities, countries or regions are re-establishing containment to contain the pandemic?

Face au risque de propagation du nouveau coronavirus, le Maroc a annoncé la fermeture de huit grandes villes comme Casablanca, Fès ou Marrakech – mais pas la capitale Rabat – à partir du lundi 27 juillet. En isolant ainsi plus de 7 millions d’habitants du reste du pays, le royaume emboîtait ainsi le pas de son voisin algérien qui avait décidé dix jours plus tôt de reconfiner partiellement 29 de ses 48 wilayas (préfectures).

Faced with the risk of the spread of the new coronavirus, Morocco announced the closure of eight large cities such as Casablanca, Fez or Marrakech - but not the capital Rabat - from Monday July 27. By isolating more than 7 million inhabitants from the rest of the country, the kingdom followed in the footsteps of its Algerian neighbor who had decided ten days earlier to partially reconfine 29 of its 48 wilayas (prefectures).

Warum ist Indiens Todesrate so niedrig?

Why is India's death rate so low?

Die Betten in der Halle stehen dicht aneinander, es müssen Dutzende sein. Viele Patienten haben sich unter ihre Wolldecken verkrochen. Ein Arzt hat auf einem Klappstuhl neben einem von ihnen Platz genommen. Er fühlt den Puls des Mannes. Kaum jemand trägt Mundschutz.

The beds in the hall are close together, there must be dozens. Many patients have crawled under their blankets. A doctor sat on a folding chair next to one of them. He feels the pulse of the man. Hardly anyone wears a face mask.

מאות הפגינו מול בית השר אוחנה, מפגין אחד נעצר לאחר שנקלע לקטטה

Hundreds demonstrated in front of Minister Ohana's house, one demonstrator was arrested after getting into a brawl

ההפגנות נמשכות: כאלף מוחים קיימו הערב (שלישי) הפגנה מול ביתו של השר לביטחון פנים, אמיר אוחנה, בעקבות פרסום ההקלטות בהן נשמע אוחנה נוזף במפקד מחוז י-ם, ניצב ירון ידיד, ודורש ממנו לפעול לשים סוף להפגנות. מפגין אחד נעצר לאחר שנקלע לקטטה עם ארבעה בני אדם אחרים ברחוב לאונרדו דה וינצ'י בתל אביב.

Demonstrations continue: Tonight (Tuesday), about a thousand protesters held a demonstration in front of the home of the Minister of Internal Security, Amir Ohana, following the publication of the recordings in which Ohana was reprimanded by the Jerusalem District Commander, Yaron Yedid, and demanded that he end the demonstrations. One protester was arrested after getting into a fight with four other people on Leonardo da Vinci Street in Tel Aviv.

جنوب لبنان.. بيروت تقرر تقديم شكوى دولية والجيش الإسرائيلي يعلن جاهزيته لكل السيناريوهات

South Lebanon .. Beirut decides to file an international complaint and the Israeli army declares its readiness for all scenarios

بدأت قوات الأمم المتحدة العاملة في جنوب لبنان تحقيقاتها بشأن القصف الإسرائيلي الذي استهدف أمس محيط موقع رويسات العلم في تلال كفَرشوبا اللبنانية. وبينما تفقد رئيس الحكومة الإسرائيلية بنيامين نتنياهو قواته على الحدود، معلنا أنها في كامل جاهزيتها للتعامل مع كل السيناريوهات المحتملة، أدان الرئيس اللبناني ميشال عون الاعتداء الإسرائيلي.

The United Nations forces operating in southern Lebanon began their investigations into the Israeli bombing that targeted yesterday the area around the Ruwaisat al-Alam site in the Lebanese hills of Kafarshuba. While Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu inspected his forces on the border, declaring that they are fully prepared to deal with all possible scenarios, Lebanese President Michel Aoun condemned the Israeli aggression.

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