The Study of the Works and Life of the Ibn al Jazzar in Islamic Medical History

 The Study of the Works and Life of the Ibn al Jazzar in Islamic Medical History

 Ibn al Jazzar as the first Muslim physician has done works on medical sciences in North Africa. Apparently, he has had accessed to some of works in Greek and used them to compile over forty books. He has also made them more productive by his own experiences. Works of Ibn al Jazzar has been used by some well-known Muslim physicians, namely Razi‚ Ibn Sina, etc. In addition, his works has been translated into Latin and Greek in later years as well and his books, Zad al Mosafer, has become very important in Europe. Thus, its translation into Latin for the first time has caused medical sciences of ancient Greeks returned to Europe. He has also written Tib al Foqara va al Masakin for the poor who could not have access to any doctors or medicine because of their poverty. He has trained many students in Islamic sciences, namely Abuhefz Ibn Tariq Andalusia, a physician in Kairouan, in Tunisia. Abuhefz has brought Zad al Mosafer to Andalus and Muslim‚ Jewish and Christian doctors began to use it.

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