Covid-19. The minute situation of the new coronavirus in the country and in the world
Acompanhamos aqui todos os desenvolvimentos sobre a propagação do SARS-CoV-2 à escala internacional.
Here we follow all developments on the spread of SARS-CoV-2 on an international scale.
23h19 - Brasil soma 1.274 mortos em 24 horas e aproxima-se dos 206 mil óbitos. O Brasil contabilizou 1.274 mortes devido à covid-19 nas últimas 24 horas e aproxima-se das 206 mil vÃtimas mortais (205.964) desde o inÃcio da pandemia, informou hoje o Ministério da Saúde.
11:19 pm - Brazil totals 1,274 dead in 24 hours and approaches 206 thousand deaths. Brazil has counted 1,274 deaths due to covid-19 in the last 24 hours and has approached 206,000 fatalities (205,964) since the beginning of the pandemic, the Ministry of Health reported today.
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