News in Six Languages 22 September 2020


FinCEN Files: 4 grandes bancos utilizados por oligarcas, corruptos y criminales para mover dinero sucio

La filtración de los llamados FinCEN Files ha vuelto a poner a varios de los principales bancos del mundo bajo la lupa por su rol en el lavado de dinero.

Los archivos incluyen miles de "reportes de actividades sospechosas" elaborados por los mismos bancos para la Red de Control de Delitos Financieros del Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos (FinCEN, por sus siglas en inglés).

FinCEN Files: 4 big banks used by oligarchs, corrupt people and criminals to move dirty money

The leak of the so-called FinCEN Files has once again put several of the world's leading banks under scrutiny for their role in money laundering.

The files include thousands of "suspicious activity reports" prepared by the same banks for the Financial Crime Control Network of the US Department of the Treasury (FinCEN).

Les salariés de Bridgestone entre espoir et coups de massue

Après la signature d’un accord de méthode vendredi avec la direction, les salariés de l’usine de pneumatiques ont reçu lundi la visite de deux ministres. Mais leur sort reste en sursis.

C’est le début des montagnes russes. Depuis qu’ils ont appris brutalement, mercredi dernier, la fermeture de leur usine de pneumatiques, les 863 salariés de Bridgestone à Béthune, dans le Pas-de-Calais, vacillent entre angoisses et espoirs. Il y a d’abord eu la violence de l’annonce de ces licenciements, prévus avant le deuxième trimestre 2021. Un vrai uppercut. Quelques heures plus tard, la condamnation unanime de ce plan de Bridgestone par les politiques de tous bords a redonné un peu de baume au cœur aux salariés et leurs familles.

Bridgestone employees between hope and hammer blows

After signing a method agreement with management on Friday, workers at the tire plant received a visit from two ministers on Monday. But their fate remains on hold.

This is the start of the roller coaster. Since learning abruptly last Wednesday of the closure of their tire factory, the 863 Bridgestone employees in Bethune, Pas-de-Calais, have vacillated between fear and hope. First there was the violence of the announcement of these layoffs, scheduled for the second quarter of 2021. A real uppercut. A few hours later, the unanimous condemnation of this Bridgestone plan by politicians of all stripes gave a little balm to the hearts of employees and their families.

Das sind Trumps Kandidatinnen für den Supreme Court

Donald Trump hat sich festgelegt: Eine Richterin soll die Nachfolge von Ruth Bader Ginsburg am Obersten Gerichtshof antreten. Aber wer? Eine Abtreibungsgegnerin oder eine Richterin, die das Wahlrecht für Ex-Häftlinge erschwerte?

Donald Trumps Anhänger ließen an diesem Wochenende keinen Zweifel daran, was sie vom Präsidenten nun erwarten: "Fill that seat!", rief ihm die Menge bei einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung in Fayetteville im Bundesstaat North Carolina zu. Er möge die Richterstelle, die nach dem Tod von Ruth Bader Ginsburg am Supreme Court frei geworden ist, selbst besetzen - und die Entscheidung nicht davon abhängig machen, wie die Präsidentschaftswahl Anfang November ausgeht.

These are Trump's candidates for the Supreme Court

Donald Trump has made a decision: A judge is to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the Supreme Court. But who? An anti-abortion opponent or a judge who made it difficult for ex-prisoners to vote?

Donald Trump's supporters left no doubt this weekend as to what to expect from the president: "Fill that seat!" Shouted the crowd at an election rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina. He should fill the judge's post, which became vacant after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the Supreme Court, himself - and not make the decision dependent on how the presidential election ends in early November.

הזכאות למענקי סיוע תגדל, ההפחתה בדמי האבטלה תידחה: כ"ץ ונתניהו אישרו את הרחבת רשת הסיוע הכלכלית

בהודעה משותפת לראש הממשלה ולשר האוצר, פורטו סעיפי המתווה החדש, שמטרתו לסייע לבעלי עסקים ושכירים שעשויים להיפגע בשל תקנות הסגר הכולל הנוכחי

בנסיון לסייע למשק: הממשלה אישרה הלילה (שני) את תכניתם של ראש הממשלה, בנימין נתניהו, ושר האוצר, ישראל כ"ץ, הרחבת רשת הביטחון הכלכלית, שתאפשר סיוע מידי לעסקים ושכירים שצפויים להיפגע במהלך הסגר הכולל הנוכחי. העלות של התכנית שאושרה מוערכת בשוו של 10.5 מיליארד ש"ח. כמו כן, מוקדם יותר היום אושר קיצוץ שכרם של חברי הכנסת והשרים ב-10%. שר האוצר כ"ץ ציין כי בהמשך יביא תכנית לקיצוץ במגזרים נוספים, כשבכוונתו למי שמשכורתו היא בגובה שכרו של ח"כ ומעלה, וכן בעלי תפקידים במערכת המשפט. 

Eligibility for aid grants will increase, the reduction in unemployment benefits will be rejected: Katz and Netanyahu approved the expansion of the economic aid network

In a joint statement to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance, the sections of the new outline were detailed, aimed at assisting business owners and employees who may be harmed due to the current total closure regulations

In an attempt to help the economy: Tonight (Monday) the government approved the plan of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Minister of Finance, Israel Katz, to expand the economic safety net, which will allow immediate assistance to businesses and employees who are expected to be harmed during the current total closure. Of NIS 10.5 billion. Also earlier today, a 10% cut in the salaries of Knesset members and ministers was approved. Finance Minister Katz noted that in the future he will bring a plan for cuts in other sectors, when he intends for those whose salary is equal to the salary of an MK or more, as well as officials in the legal system.

مليارات الدولارات ومطالب أخرى.. هذه شروط السودان في محادثات أبوظبي للتطبيع مع إسرائيل

"التطبيع بين السودان وإسرائيل مسألة وقت، لكن خطواته الآن أسرع ليكون ذا قيمة". هذا ما قاله للجزيرة نت مسؤول بارز في الحكومة السودانية، في وقت يجري رئيس مجلس السيادة الانتقالي عبد الفتاح البرهان مشاورات في أبوظبي حول تطبيع العلاقات بين الخرطوم وتل أبيب.

وحسب حيدر الصافي عضو المجلس المركزي لقوى الحرية والتغيير والقيادي في الحزب الجمهوري، فإن المفاوضات التي بدأت في أبو ظبي بين مسؤولين سودانيين وأميركيين وإماراتيين يراد منها وضع السودان أمام الأمر الواقع.

Billions of dollars and other demands .. These are Sudan's conditions in the Abu Dhabi talks for normalization with Israel

"Normalization between Sudan and Israel is a matter of time, but its steps are now faster to be of value." This is what a prominent Sudanese government official told Al-Jazeera Net, at a time when the head of the transitional sovereignty council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, was holding consultations in Abu Dhabi on the normalization of relations between Khartoum and Tel Aviv.

According to Haider al-Safi, a member of the Central Council of the Forces of Freedom and Change and leadership in the Republican Party, the negotiations that began in Abu Dhabi between Sudanese, American and Emirati officials are intended to put Sudan before a fait accompli.

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