News in Six Languages 13 Agustus 2020

AstraZeneca y la vacuna contra la covid-19: México y Argentina anuncian que producirán y distribuirán para América Latina la vacuna de Oxford

AstraZeneca and the vaccine against covid-19: Mexico and Argentina announce that they will produce and distribute the Oxford vaccine for Latin America

La "prometedora" vacuna contra el coronavirus, resultado de la alianza de la universidad de Oxford con el laboratorio AstraZeneca, todavía está en fase de pruebas, pero ya comienza a abrirse paso en América Latina.

The "promising" vaccine against the coronavirus, the result of the alliance of the University of Oxford with the AstraZeneca laboratory, is still in the testing phase, but it is already beginning to make its way in Latin America.

En Biélorussie, la répression se poursuit après la présidentielle, 700 manifestants arrêtés mercredi

In Belarus, repression continues after presidential election, 700 protesters arrested on Wednesday

Au moins 6 700 personnes ont été interpellées depuis le 9 août et l’annonce de la réélection d’Alexandre Loukachenko, que les manifestants accusent de fraude.

At least 6,700 people have been arrested since August 9 and the announcement of the re-election of Alexander Lukashenko, whom protesters accuse of fraud.

Der Zünd-Stoff

The explosive

Die einen lehnen den Mund-Nasen-Schutz kategorisch ab, die anderen verlangen, dass jetzt sogar draußen an Hotspots wie der Berliner Hasenheide Maske getragen werden muss. Lesen Sie hier die SPIEGEL-Titelstory.

Some categorically reject mouth and nose protection, others demand that a mask must be worn outside at hotspots such as the Berlin Hasenheide mask.  Read the SPIEGEL cover story here.

הפיצוץ בלבנון: "לאסון קדמו שישה פיצוצים מקדימים"

The bombing in Lebanon: "The disaster was preceded by six preliminary explosions"

על פי פרסום בישראל דיפנס, מומחים סיסמולוגיים בישראל זיהו אירועים חריגים שהתרחשו 43 שניות לפני הפיצוץ הגדול, שהחריד את ביירות. הממצאים מחזקים את האפשרות כי האסון נגרם כתוצאה מפעולת זדון או תקלה באמל"ח

According to a publication in Israel Defense, seismological experts in Israel identified unusual events that occurred 43 seconds before the big explosion that terrified Beirut.  The findings reinforce the possibility that the disaster was caused as a result of a malicious act or malfunction in the weapon

مصر.. وفاة عصام العريان القيادي بجماعة الإخوان داخل محبسه

Egypt .. The death of Essam El-Erian, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, inside his prison

قالت مصادر أمنية مصرية إن القيادي بجماعة الإخوان المسلمين الدكتور عصام العريان توفي بأزمة قلبية في سجن العقرب سيئ السمعة في القاهرة عن عمر ناهز 66 عاما.

Egyptian security sources said that the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Dr. Essam Al-Erian, died of a heart attack in the notorious Alaqrab prison in Cairo, at the age of 66.

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