News in Six Languages 12 Agustus 2020

Sputnik V: las dudas sobre la vacuna aprobada en Rusia por el gobierno de Putin contra el coronavirus

Sputnik V: doubts about the vaccine approved in Russia by the Putin government against the coronavirus

Vladimir Putin consiguió este martes copar los titulares de medio mundo al anunciar que Rusia se convertía en el primer país en autorizar una vacuna en contra del covid-19.

Vladimir Putin managed to make headlines around the world on Tuesday by announcing that Russia became the first country to authorize a vaccine against covid-19.

Coronavirus : face à la dégradation de la situation sanitaire, le gouvernement appelle les Français à « se ressaisir »

Coronavirus: faced with the deterioration of the health situation, the government calls on the French to "pull themselves together"

La situation sur le territoire national évolue « dans le mauvais sens », a déploré mardi le premier ministre, Jean Castex, en détaillant de nouvelles mesures visant à éviter de perdre le contrôle de l’épidémie.

The situation on the national territory is evolving "in the wrong direction", regretted Tuesday the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, while detailing new measures aimed at avoiding losing control of the epidemic.

Deutschland rückt in der Coronakrise zusammen

Germany is moving closer together in the corona crisis

Der gefühlte Zusammenhalt in Deutschland ist laut einer Studie stabil - und hat sich während der Corona-Pandemie sogar verbessert. Doch für einige Bevölkerungsgruppen trifft das nicht zu.

According to a study, the perceived cohesion in Germany is stable - and even improved during the corona pandemic.  But this is not the case for some sections of the population.

מתנגדת ל-BDS ותומכת בפתרון שתי המדינות: המועמדת של ביידן לסגנית נשיא ארה"ב

Opposes BDS and supports a two-state solution: Biden's candidate for vice president

המועמדת החדשה לסגניתו של ביידן במקרה שבו יגבר על טראמפ התייחסה לא פעם לנושאים הקשורים לישראל ולמזה"ת. מה היא חושבת על הסכסוך עם הפלסטינים וההתנחלויות?

The new candidate for Biden's deputy in a case in which he overcomes Trump has often addressed issues related to Israel and the Middle East. What does she think about the conflict with the Palestinians and the settlements?

أسبوع على انفجار بيروت.. احتجاجات مستمرة والرئاسة تحيل الملف إلى المجلس العدلي

A week after the Beirut bombing ... protests are ongoing and the presidency refers the file to the Judicial Council

تجددت الاشتباكات أمس الثلاثاء بين المتظاهرين وقوات الأمن في عدد من الشوارع المحيطة بالبرلمان في بيروت، في حين شهد محيط المرفأ تجمعا للعشرات أحيوا ذكرى مرور أسبوع على الانفجار.

On Tuesday, clashes renewed between demonstrators and security forces in a number of streets around the parliament in Beirut, while the port's vicinity witnessed a gathering of dozens, commemorating the one-week anniversary of the explosion.

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