The Role of Women in Islamic Andalusian Society

 The Role of Women in Islamic Andalusian Society

The Southern Spain is a part of Andalus or Andalusia region which is a big region. It is a European country and has a great significance in the region. As far as the beauty is concerned, Southern Spain is one of the most beautiful areas with a charming natural beauty. Its natural beauty always attracts the world towards it. This country is divided geographically into two parts: Upper and Lower Andalus, The upper is the north of Al Wadi Al Kabir and the Lower is southern part. In the days of Arabs Andalus was limited to Seville, Cordoba, Man, and Granada. The women folk then used to be active participants and integral part of the Andalusian society. That was the best era for them to get much recognition and make themselves prosperous to move higher in the society. Women achieved high status in the society which they fully enjoyed. They had better opportunities for development in that community as compared to the rest of Arab and Islamic countries. This article is about the status of the women who occupied a prominent place in Andalusia. They benefited and enjoyed power derived from being literate. Andalusian women became educated and learned cultural traits and the Andalusian men paid thorough attention towards the literacy of their daughters and wives. They would appoint special teachers for them and there was no discrimination in the education of a male child and that of a female child. This was the reason that the women were equally highly educated.

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