Les autres merveilles du monde dans la tradition arabe médiévale

Les autres merveilles du monde dans la tradition arabe médiévale

Beside the classic list of four wonders of the World in Medieval Arabic tradition, the existence, in sources, of an “alternative” list of four wonders is been proven. It is composed by a mirror on the top of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, a copper equestrian statue in al-Andalus, another statue in the land of ‘Ād and, finally, the starling tree in Rome. In this paper, the transmission of this list will be analyzed, along with the description of its components, in order to prove the influence of Alexander Romance or Pseudo-Callisthenes on the literary motifs related to the elements of this list. Parallelisms with these elements, extracted from geographical works or wonder tales, will be also analyzed, in order to certify how some literary motifs connected with the legendary version of Alexander’s life and facts have been used in the sources to point out the wonder nature of some extraordinary monument or object. This has been the case, for instance, of the river of sand or the enormous ants.

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