The astronomic tables of Alfonso X el Sabio. The examples of the Maritime Museum of Madrid

 The astronomic tables of Alfonso X el Sabio. The examples of the Maritime Museum of Madrid

The Astronomic Tables of Alfonso X el Sabio were made in Toledo between 1263-1270 by two usual collaborators of the king, Yehuda ibn Moshé e Isaac ibn Sid, both of them Jewish. The original manuscript has been lost but it exists a copy in a 16th century manuscript (Ms. 3306, B.N) which has transmitted to us the canons and the prologue of the Tables, giving information about who, where and how the project was made. The team of astronomers around the King took advantaged of an ancient heritage through the Islamic world and the scientific innovations of al-Andalus to create a work with a huge significance in the scientific world, spread in manuscripts and printed copies throughout Europe during four centuries.

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