News in Six Languages 29 November 2020 (Bahasa Spanyol)

 Cómo fomentar el espíritu crítico en los jóvenes sin convertirlos en opinadores de todo

How to foster a critical spirit in young people without making them opinionated on everything

Cuenta la historia que Sócrates era conocido entre sus conciudadanos como "el tábano de Atenas". Se dice, además, que estaba encantado con ese sobrenombre porque le describía muy bien: su misión era la de aguijonear al personal a través de preguntas y explicaciones de esas que incordian y que, sobre todo, despiertan.

The story goes that Socrates was known among his fellow citizens as "the gadfly of Athens." It is also said that he was delighted with that nickname because it described him very well: his mission was to prod the staff through questions and explanations of those that annoy and, above all, wake up.

Eso sí, al gran filósofo griego le salió muy caro el poner a pensar a determinada gente que, en verdad, prefería seguir durmiendo. A este "tábano" que no para quieto hay que darle cicuta, acordaron.

Of course, it was very expensive for the great Greek philosopher to make certain people think who, in truth, preferred to continue sleeping. This "gadfly" that does not stop must be given hemlock, they agreed.

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