News in Six Languages 11 Agustus 2020

El mundo alcanza los 20 millones de casos de coronavirus: los gráficos que muestran dónde se propaga más (y qué pasa en América Latina)

The world reaches 20 million cases of coronavirus: the graphs that show where it spreads the most (and what happens in Latin America)

Han pasado poco más de seis meses desde que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declaró una emergencia global por la emergencia del nuevo coronavirus.

Just over six months have passed since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global emergency due to the emergence of the new coronavirus.

Le premier ministre libanais, Hassan Diab, annonce la démission de son gouvernement

Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab announces the resignation of his government

La démission du gouvernement fait suite à celle de quatre ministres en deux jours. Des manifestants reprochent à la classe politique d’être responsable de l’explosion meurtrière qui a dévasté Beyrouth le 4 août.

The government's resignation follows that of four ministers in two days.  Protesters blame the political class for the deadly explosion that devastated Beirut on August 4.

Russland nimmt die Abkürzung

Russia takes the shortcut

Noch in dieser Woche will Russland den ersten Corona-Impfstoff zulassen. Die finale Sicherheitsprüfung hat das Land dabei offenbar einfach übersprungen. Was also ist dran an den Ankündigungen?

Russia wants to approve the first corona vaccine this week.  The country apparently simply skipped the final security check.  So what's the deal with the announcements?

חומר החשוד כציאניד אותר בתא באחד מבתי הכלא במרכז הארץ

The suspected cyanide substance was found in a cell in one of the prisons in the center of the country

יחידת להב 433 חוקרת בשבועות האחרונים חשד, לפיו באחד התאים בבית סוהר במרכז הארץ אותר חומר החשוד כציאניד. לא ידועים פרטים נוספים על המקרה

The Blade 433 unit has been investigating a suspicion in recent weeks, according to which in one of the cells in a prison in the center of the country, the suspected substance was found as cyanide.  No further details are known about the case

قال إن الفساد أكبر من الدولة.. دياب يسلّم الاستقالة للرئيس ويحيل ملف انفجار بيروت لأعلى مجلس قضائي

He said that corruption is greater than the state ... Diab hands over the resignation to the president and refers the Beirut bombing file to the highest judicial council

مباشرة بعد إعلان استقالته اليوم، توجّه رئيس الحكومة اللبنانية حسان دياب إلى القصر الرئاسي، حيث سلم الاستقالة إلى الرئيس ميشال عون. يأتي ذلك بعد سويعات من قرار الحكومة إحالة ملف انفجار مرفأ بيروت إلى أعلى مجلس قضائي في البلاد ينظر في جرائم أمن الدولة.

Immediately after announcing his resignation today, Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab went to the presidential palace, where he handed over the resignation to President Michel Aoun.  This comes a few hours after the government decided to refer the file of the Beirut Port explosion to the country's highest judicial council looking into state security crimes.

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